- Release Date:
- 12th October 2024
- KBA Summary:
- This Knowledge Base Article describes the functionality of the Fragmentation dashboard in BlastIQ™ Insights.
The BlastIQ™ Insights Fragmentation dashboard aims to provide a comprehensive view of blast fragmentation results by displaying FRAGTrack™ mobile installation data based on blast locations.
Learn how to configure blast fragmentation metrics of interest and thresholds here.
Note: The Fragmentation dashboard requires a separate license to be made available in BlastIQ™ Insights.
To navigate to the Fragmentation dashboard:
- From the BlastIQ™ Insights toolbar, select Dashboards.
- From the Dashboards menu, select Blast Analysis>Fragmentation.
- Filters bar
- Blast selector
- View modes*
- Thresholds legend*
- Summary panel
- Map
- Plots
- Time series plot
- Particle size distribution plot
* Metrics of interest and thresholds can be configured for the site. Read more here.
Select one or more blasts from the list returned by the filter criteria to centre them on the map.
- Expand the blast list
- Type to find a blast
- Select a blast from the list
- Remove an individual blast from the selection
- Clear all selected blasts
Blasts can be filtered using the following filters:
- Blast Name Search Filter:
- Type in the search box.
- Blasts shown are the ones containing the typed-in characters.
- Blast Status Filter:
- Select All, Fired or Not Fired.
- Date Range filter:
- Select Created or Fired Date.
- From and To fields are not mandatory.
- If the date range filter is not used, the blasts shown are the latest created/fired for the site.
- The maximum number of blasts shown is based on the Display Filter.
- Elevation filter:
- Choose a minimum and/or a maximum elevation.
- Select Collar or Grade.
- If an elevation filter is not used, the blasts show an elevation range.
- The maximum number of blasts shown is based on the Display Filter.
- Tags filter:
- Click on the Tags icon.
- Select the desired tags from each category.
- Click Apply to apply the filter criteria.
- It will return the blasts containing the selected tags based on the following logic:
- OR for tags within the same category.
- AND for tags across categories.
- Click on Clear and then Apply to clear all tags filters.
- Click on the X at the top right to close the tags filter; if the filter criteria were not previously applied, any edits will be lost.
Read more about Tags here.
- Clear All filters - clears any filters that have been applied.
- Display selection:
- Choose 20, 30, 60 or 90 blasts and Newest or Oldest from the dropdown list.
- This dictates the limit of blasts that are shown from other filter criteria and whether these blasts are picked from oldest first or newest first.
- Metric of interest
- The metrics of interest are shown based on the site's blast fragmentation configuration. Read more here.
- Fitted equations
- Rosin-Rammler
- Swebrec
- Results type
- Blasts
- Holes
- Samples
- Data type
- Georeferenced
- Non-georeferenced
- All
- Not assigned: check this box to include samples that have not been assigned to any blast or holes.
The legend displays thresholds for selected metrics of interest. Thresholds can be configured for individual sites. The legend shows how blasts, holes, and samples are coloured on the map and time series plot. Read more here.
Displays a summary of relevant values depending on the selected metric of interest and result type.
The time plot displays samples based on the selected metric of interest and fit (if applicable).
Colour coding: Blasts or samples are coloured based on the selected metric of interest and fit, as well as the sites's blast fragmentation-defined thresholds. Read more here.
- Interactions:
- Hover over: Mouse over a sample or blast to see the specific value of the metric of interest relevant date/time.
- Blasts: A bar plot is shown, with a bar displayed for each blast based on the filter criteria.
- Samples: a scatter plot is shown, with a trace for each FRAGTrack™ installation.
- If only one installation's data is displayed, a moving average (2 hours window) trace is displayed.
The PSD plot displays the aggregate results of all FRAGTrack™ samples reported based on the blast filter criteria.
- Plot options
- Snap top X or Y axis values: Allows you to snap to the corresponding relevant metrics of interest and compare values across the different plot traces.
- Linear/Log X-axis: This option allows you to set the PSD plot X-axis display to a linear or logarithmic scale to enable the best visualisation based on the data set.
- View Modes
- Aggregate
- When the PSD is opened, the Aggregate mode is selected by default, and all traces (Observations, Rosin-Rammler, and Swebrec) are displayed.
- By Blast
- Displays one curve fit per blast based on the selected filter criteria.
- Only the corresponding selected fit, either Rosin-Rammler or Swebrec, will be shown.
- Aggregate
- Export Observations: This function exports 2 files containing the aggregated observations values. One of the files is formatted specifically to be imported to calibrate the SHOTPlus™ fragmentation prediction tool.
- Plot traces
- Observations: A cumulative representation of the aggregated bins.
- Rosin-Rammler: Rossin-Rammler OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) fit to the aggregated cumulative bins.
- Swebrec: Swebrec OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) fit to the aggregated cumulative bins.
- Plot options
Only georeferenced samples are assigned to blasts and holes. These samples are correlated based on the fragmentation samples' geolocation, the blasts and holes' geolocation and the blast's fire and end-of-excavation date/times.
Not assigned display logicSamples that have not been assigned to blasts and holes are displayed based on the map's viewport, the oldest fire, and the newest end-of-excavation date/time for the blasts being displayed on the map.
The map's viewport is the region where the map is centred based on the blasts returned by the filter criteria.