How to export and import between SHOTPlus UG and i-kon loggers.


Export to Logger from SHOTPlus.

1. Select calculations – EBS logging report.




2. Choose the logger.

3. Select the function – Export to logger. The logger report which shows the timing and hole assignment can be previewed at this time. 



4. The Logger screen can manage up to 16 characters. It is important to keep the following limits for successful exports.

  • Hole ID - 8 Characters
  • Hole Type - 16 Characters
  • Blast Title - 16 Characters

E.g. If you find the following error the Blast title can be changed to less than 16 characters. The file name can be different from the title if required.



5. Insert a USB drive or connect the logger to your PC.




6. Confirm the quantity of detontors within the notification is correct.




7. Confirm the export file has been sent to the USB drive or logger.

The file name will show the Logger number and Blaster number in this format L01B1.





Import into SHOTPlus from a Logger.

1. Select function – Import from Logger

2. Select the required logger. If required update time on blast plan with timing from the logger

3. Import from Logger.




4. Confirm the details of data logged are listed correctly on the summary.





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