How to charge holes using SHOTPlus Underground.


In this article blast holes have been imported into SHOTPlus UG without charging data and rings have been defined.


1. Confirm your holes and attributes have successfully been imported in the new blast design.




2. To make viewing the holes you are loading easier, Isolate the ring or group of rings you would like to load. A good practice is having rings grouped in the Ring Manager. The layer and visibility manager tools can be used to hide other objects which could clutter the screen.

A yellow collar indicates the blasthole has no loading designed assigned to it.




Once the group of holes has been identified. Right clicking on a collar and choosing Select Like will select all holes within the group. Right clicking on a collar and choosing Select Exact will select all holes within the ring.


3. Load a hole manually, without using loading rules.

Select the hole you would like to charge and click on the loading tool. mceclip2.png

Confirm the hole selected is the same as the one shown in the loading tool in the upper right box. Select Edit loading and the edit loading window will open.




4. Manual hole loading.

To add a deck select Add After or Add before to insert a deck to the hole.

Select the required explosive or material from the drop-down list.

Select which deck you would like to have varying length by clicking on the deck then the double red arrow button below

Adjust any non-varying decks in the length column.

You will notice your varying deck will grow or shrink to maintain the overall hole length. This is due to the variable deck tool being assigned to the explosive deck as shown below.




Primers can be added by first selecting the product deck for which you wish to prime, then click the Add button at the bottom of the window. Select the detonator then booster.

Place the primer at the desired position within the explosive column using your preferred method. Choose from the three defined positions top middle or bottom of the deck (the top and bottom use a standoff distance set in Blast Properties. The user can also position the primer at a point which is a % of the hole length measured from the bottom of the hole.




5. Loading holes by applying a loading template.

Loading templates can be created making loading a design faster and if shared with your team they can be used to standardise loading practices across future blast designs.





Within the loading tool create your loading design as shown in the previous topic.

Once the loading design has been created select save to template.

Templates can be created for different hole types, hole conditions or blast patterns.




To use the template on a blast plan open the loading tool and edit loading.

Select load template

Choose the appropriate template from your list. Open.

Confirm the loading design is correct. Select Ok.





Using the loading tool, you can apply the loading design to all holes or a selection.

Position the design or isolate the group of holes which you would like to load.
Open the loading tool. Tick the selected only box to load only these holes or to load all holes using the loading rules select Load all.

Confirm the loading is correct using the hole table.









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