Move Holes Between BlastIQ™ Plans


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.10.4 and above
KBA Summary:
The Knowledge Base Article describes how to move holes between BlastIQ™ plans in SHOTPlus™.


Using SHOTPlus™ users can move holes between two existing BlastIQ™ plans, or move holes from an existing BlastIQ™ plan to a new plan.

Configuration Duplicate Hole IDs
  1. Holes can only be moved between plans on the same BlastIQ™ site.
  2. The loading design for any moved holes will be moved with the hole.
  3. Measurements recorded against a hole, e.g. length, depth to/depth of water, the temperature will be moved with the hole.
Move Holes
To Existing Plan To New Plan

To move holes from one existing plan to another existing plan:

  1. Ensure the destination plan has been uploaded to BlastIQ™.
  2. Select the holes to be moved.


  1. From the main SHOTPlus™ toolbar, select 'BlastIQ' > 'Move holes between plans'.


  1. Save the SHOTPlus™ file if prompted1 and select 'Next'.


  1. Upload the current plan to BlastIQ™.
  2. Once uploaded, select 'OK'.


  1. Ensure the 'Select existing plan' radio button is selected.
  2. Select the blast to move the holes to.
  3. Select 'Next'.


  1. SHOTPlus™ will check for duplicate hole names, any duplicate must be resolved before moving holes between plans. Rename any duplicate hole names by auto-labelling holes with a prefix or a suffix.
  2. Check/uncheck 'Create new SHOTPlus file with moved holes'2.
  3. Select 'Next' and the holes will be moved to the selected plan.


  1. Select 'Next', then 'Finish' to complete the process.


    1. Files must be saved before moving holes to ensure there are no inconsistencies between the data in the local SHOTPlus™ file and the data in the holes moved between plans in BlastIQ™.
    2. If checked, SHOTPlus™ will generate a file with the moved holes, and preserve the original file without the moved holes. SHOTPlus™ will open the original file in a new instance once the move holes process is complete.
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