BlastIQ™ Insights - Underground Drilling by Hole


Release Date:
16th December 2024
KBA Summary:
This Knowledge Base Article describes the functionality of the Underground Drilling by Hole dashboard in BlastIQ™ Insights.


BlastIQ™ Insights Underground Drilling by Hole dashboard enables users to visualise and assess drilling data by providing a data table to quickly identify which drill rig (equipment) was used during drilling for each hole, determine the diameter with which holes were drilled, evaluate the average penetration rates, and determine what dates holes were drilled.


Single Blast Dashboard

To navigate to the Underground Drilling by Hole Dashboard:

    1. From the BlastIQ™ Insights toolbar, select Dashboards.
    2. From the Dashboards menu, under Drilling, select Drilling by Hole.


General Section Details

The following information is shown on the Drilling by Hole Dashboard:


  1. Blast Name Selector.
  2. Total Number of Holes.
  3. Table View.
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