SHOTPlus™ - Graphical display performance on your device


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
Beta 6.17.3 and above
KBA Summary:
This KBA summarises what can affect graphical display performance on your device.


Some users have been experiencing hardware level crashes when frequently switching between a graphics window, such as Section View, and a non-graphics window, such as the Hole table. Recent updates in graphics card drivers has resulted in some Intel™ graphics cards not supporting some of the code within SHOTPlus™. 

There are some actions you can take to address this issue:

  1. Ensure that your graphics card drivers are up to date.
  2. Switching from an integrated GPU to a dedicated GPU. This typically solves the issue.
  3. Revert to legacy graphics calls within SHOTPlus™. Navigate to Edit > Program settings > Graphics and enable "Use legacy graphics calls".



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