- Release Date:
- 28th May 2024
Underground Redrill allows users to add a new hole as a redrill of.
Redrill Of
- In the drilling data page, tap the "+" button to initiate the process.
- After tapping the "+" button, the "Add New Hole" panel will open.
- Choose the desired Ring number in the "Add New Hole" panel.
- Choose a hole name from the drop-down list.
- Assign a new and unique name to the hole being added.
- The Length and Diameter fields will auto-populate based on the characteristics of the existing hole chosen (step 4).
- Confirm the suggested length and diameter or input the values for the new hole's length and diameter. Press the "OK" when done.
- Choose a hole location as either horizontal or vertical.
- If you'd like to add specific details or notes, you can use the provided field.
- Once all the necessary information has been entered, click the "Save" button to finalise and save.
- The newly added hole should be displayed in the hole list view, under the correct ring, with a redrill of marker.
- Tap the delete button for hole that is a redrill of.
- A modal will appear to confirm the removal of the redrill tag from the selected hole. Tap the "Yes" button to proceed.
Note: For the field added hole when the breakthrough flag is set to yes, the delete button is disabled.