- Release Date:
- 16th December 2021
BlastIQ™ Mobile Delivery Summary provides a comprehensive overview of the designed, actual, and remaining products within a plan. It offers users a convenient way to track products, covering both deviated and non-deviated designs.
Note: Toggling the 'Deviated from design' will not impact the display of the product counts.
To view the Delivery Summary:
- From the drill plans page, choose a plan you want to view the delivery summary.
- Tap on the 'Delivery Summary' icon.
- From the measurements page, navigate to the toolbar section and tap the 'Delivery Summary' icon.
The following information is shown on the Delivery Summary:
- Progress indicator.
- Total number of holes.
- Holes deviated from design (toggle).
- Product summary table.
- Progress indicator:
- It provides a visual representation of how many holes are explosive loading complete.
- Total holes:
Displays the total number of holes in the plan.
- Holes deviated from design (toggle):
- This feature allows users to view and manage holes that deviate from the design, such as the addition of decks or changes in products.
- By default, the toggle button is OFF but retains the last used state for the current session. To change the state, swipe the toggle to the right to turn it on or swipe to the left to turn it off.
When the toggle is on, the sum of the total product weight for both non-deviated and deviated holes will be shown.
- Product Summary Table.
- This table offers a comprehensive display of product details, including the product name, the quantity initially designed, the actual quantity used, and the remaining quantity for each product.
- The table is structured with the following columns:
- Product Name: This column specifies the name of the product.
- Designed: The Designed column represents the intended or designated quantity of the product.
- Actual: The Actual column displays the actual quantity of the product used or consumed.
- Remaining: The Remaining column indicates the amount of the product still available or yet to be utilised.
- Tabs
- Bulk
- Displays deck counts for bulk products.
- Displays deck counts for bulk products.
- Inert
- Displays deck counts for stemming and air products.
- Displays deck counts for stemming and air products.
- Initiation
- Displays deck counts for booster, detonator and combination detonator products.
- Displays deck counts for booster, detonator and combination detonator products.
- Bulk