BlastIQ™ Help Centre

On June 30, 2020, BlastIQ™ Support proudly launched its new Help Centre, marking a significant upgrade in customer service. This latest release introduces a host of new and improved features designed to enhance the overall user experience

The revamped Help Centre aims to provide more efficient and effective support, ensuring that customers can easily access the information and assistance they need. With this update, BlastIQ™ continues to demonstrate its commitment to delivering top-notch service and support to its users.

Home Page

  • Responsive layout to support a wide variety of mobile and desktop screens.
  • Predictive Search/Auto-Discovery provides top recommendations to articles matching search criteria and suggests articles when you create a ticket using the online form.mceclip0.png


  • Direct links to Product Downloads, Status Page and BlastIQ Product Feedback, A new FAQ’s page to provide the answers to most common and active questions.mceclip1.png


  • Direct links to promoted articles and KBAs on Home Page. 
  • Responsive notifications above the header for newly released features, updates and system status.mceclip2.png


  • Ability to create a ticket from the home page and also indicate an appropriate Business Impact to help us prioritise the request.

Articles Improvements

  • New and optimized Print Layout for Articles.
  • List of Articles available in the same section
  • Users can now Vote if the article is helpful
  • Article share options
  • Article last update date



User Profile Area

The improved profile area provides streamlined access to the bookmarked knowledge-base articles, all the tickets that you have requested or are cc-ed to plus the ability to edit your personal details.

Click on "My activities" under your profile to view all your current and historical tickets: Direct access My activities



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