Contributing to the development of BlastIQ

The BlastIQ team aims to deliver valuable products that help you manage your blasting process and achieve great blasting results. To do this, we need your ideas and feedback on our products and we have several tools to help us work together.

1. BlastIQ Feedback

The BlastIQ feedback tool allows you to submit new ideas or lend your support to other people's ideas for new features or provide suggestions on how to improve BlastIQ products. When you enter an idea or support another user's idea, you'll receive email updates when we are seeking more information, when we start work on it, when we release it to production or when we decide not to progress further with the idea.

We value feedback provided to any of our Orica team members directly, but if you would like to stay informed of progress and influence our product direction by supporting ideas submitted by other users, is the ideal way to let us know.

2. BlastIQ Research and User Testing

The BlastIQ product team are always looking for users to help us validate our ideas and designs for product improvements. If you would be happy to participate in customer research and engage with our product and designers when new product features are in the design and prototype stage, we would really appreciate your time. Submit a support ticket here or email and let us know that you'd like to sign up for our customer research program.

3. BlastIQ Status Page

The BlastIQ team publish any service announcements and release notices on our status page. Subscribe to updates at with your email address to receive notifications of planned and unplanned system downtime as well as details of upcoming releases of software such as SHOTPlus and BlastIQ mobile.


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