Adding products to a new file


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.20.1 and above
KBA Summary:
This KBA outlines how users can retrieve a product list when creating a new file for SHOTPlus™ in versions > 6.20.1. For more information on the product database migration to BlastIQ™ and the changes to SHOTPlus™, please refer to the Related Articles section at the bottom of the page.


When using SHOTPlus™ for loading and initiation design, users should be able to use the explosive products available at their site in their designs.

From SHOTPlus™ version 6.20.1, this is managed via the BlastIQ™ Admin portal. The BlastIQ™ Admin portal is where:

  • Explosive products are added to the database by BlastIQ™ Support.
  • Explosive products are assigned to a BlastIQ™ site by a BlastIQ™ Admin user or BlastIQ™ Support. For more information, please refer to this article.
  • Users are assigned to a BlastIQ™ site by a BlastIQ™ Admin user or BlastIQ™ Support. For more information, please refer to this article.

When using SHOTPlus™, the user can nominate which site product list they would like to use in their loading and initiation designs. This article will describe how the product list can be retrieved from BlastIQ™ when creating a new file in SHOTPlus™.

Creating a new blank file


Summary Instructions

  1. Create a new blast.
  2. If a user creates a blank file (i.e. no template), they will be prompted to log in to BlastIQ™: 
    1. If they select "Yes",  SHOTPlus™ will retrieve the selected product list.
    2. If they select "No", only default inert products will be available in SHOTPlus™.
  3. A product list can be retrieved at any time via "Set Site and Resources" in the "BlastIQ" menu. 


Related Articles


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