- Release Date:
- 10th March 2021
- KBA Summary:
- This Knowledge Base Article describes the functionality of the Blast Management in BlastIQ™ Insights.
Blast Management allows users with write access to enter and edit blast details such as: Fire Date, Tags, KPIs and Blast Notes through the BlastIQ™ Insights application. It also allows users to delete and un-delete blasts.
Tag Categories, Tags and KPIs for a site can be configured by site admins in the Admin Portal. For more information on Tags and KPIs please refer to How to Configure and Enter Blast Tags and How to Configure and Enter Blast KPIs.
- Click on the 'Blast Management' tab on the left-hand menu. A list of a maximum of 25 blasts will be displayed, sorted by Date and Time Created.
- Type in to search for a specific blast. As the list displays a maximum of 25 blasts, continue typing to narrow the search if the desired blast does not appear on the list at first.
- Check this box to include Fired Blasts in the search.
- Check this box to include Deleted Blasts in the search.
- Click on the desired blast on the list.
- On the 'Blast Management' page, click on the '+Add' button.
- Choose a file or drag and drop a file.
- The blast name will be automatically populated with the file name (excluding the extension).
- To change the blast name, simply delete the pre-filled name and enter a new one.
- Click the 'Save' button to complete the process.
- The site must have a Blast Control or Blast Management license.
- A user with write access can create a blast.
- The hole information file will be a .csv containing only hole geometry data, initially replicating the DfO's data and format.
Please ensure your CSV file follows the format below:
Column Name | Data Type | Required | Unit | Example |
Acceptable Range/Format/Note |
hole_name |
String | Yes | N/A | A1 |
hole_type |
String | No | N/A | post-drill test |
material_type |
String | No | N/A | rock |
design_diameter |
Number ($double) | Yes | Meter | 0.229 |
design_hole_length |
Number ($double) | Yes | Meter | 20.3 |
design_collar_x |
Number ($double) |
Yes | Meter | 234.5 |
design_collar_y |
Number ($double) |
Yes | Meter | 7660.24 |
design_collar_z |
Number ($double) |
Yes | Meter | 864.6 |
design_bearing |
Number ($double) |
Yes | Degrees | 67.61 |
design_angle |
Number ($double) |
Yes | Degrees | 26.8 |
Note: A 0 degree angle means a vertical down hole. |
grade_z |
Number ($double) |
No | Meter | 23.7 |
Example File
Important Notes:
- Column Names: All columns listed must be included in the file.
- Nullable Fields: Hole Type, Material Type, and Grade Z fields can be null values if no data is available, except for Grade Z in UG which must be null.
Fire a Blast
- Once a blast is selected, the Fire Date tab for that blast is opened by default.
- Type in or use the date picker to select a specific date and time. The date and time (in the site's time zone) when the page was loaded are displayed by default.
- Click "Fire" to set the fire date for the blast. This will archive the blast on all BlastIQ™ field devices.
Unfire a Blast
- Click "Clear".
- Confirm by clicking the 'Yes' button.
Delete a Blast
- Click "Delete".
- Confirm.
Undelete a Blast
- Click "Undelete".
- Select the "Tags" Tab.
- Click "Edit".
Edit Tags
- Click on the edit box or the down arrow for a specific Tag Category, a drop-down list will appear with the available Tags.
- Select the desired Tag(s).
- Remove Tags by clicking on the 'x' icon of a particular Tag.
- Or the 'X' on the right of the edit box to clear all Tags for that Tag Category.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
- Click on the "KPIs" tab.
- Click on "Edit" to modify or enter a new KPI value.
- Click on the trash icon to 'delete' any existing value.
Edit KPIs
- Type the desired numeric values for each specific KPI.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Viewing the Blast Notes Log
After Selecting a Blast:
- Click on the "Notes" tab.
- Click on "Refresh" get the latest view of the Blast Notes log.
- Click on "Add" to log a new entry.
Adding New Notes
After clicking on "Add":
- Type in the desired text. Maximum 1000 characters per entry.
- Click on "Save". Please allow up to 2 minutes for new Notes to appear in the log.