Hole type and material type conflicts


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
>6.21.4 and above
KBA Summary:
This article describes what occurs when SHOTPlus™ detects a conflict between hole types and material types on import from BlastIQ™.


Hole types and material types are important hole properties within SHOTPlus™. They allow BlastIQ™ users to utilise tolerances in the field and apply simple and complex loading rules on the bench. If there is a conflict between what is in a SHOTPlus™ file and what is stored in BlastIQ™, this can cause compatibility issues when the file is exported to BlastIQ™ and have unintended consequences.

Hole type and material type conflicts

A conflict is when the hole or material type on BlastIQ™ does not have an equivalent in the SHOTPlus™ file being used. This can occur when:

  • a BlastIQ™ plan is imported into a blank SHOTPlus™ file,
  • a BlastIQ™ plan is imported into a SHOTPlus™ file created with the incorrect template,
  • a different BlastIQ™ plan is imported to a SHOTPlus™ which contains BlastIQ™ plan data already.

It can also occur when moving holes from one BlastIQ™ plan to another. For more information on the changes made to the "BlastIQ move holes between plans" wizard, please refer to this article: Move Holes Between BlastIQ™ Plans.

Resolving a conflict

The following example is importing a BlastIQ™ plan into a new, blank SHOTPlus™ file and only demonstrates a material type conflict. 

  1. Import a plan from BlastIQ™ using the button on the toolbar or navigating to BlastIQ > Import plan.
  2. If not already selected, select the BlastIQ™ site to import plan from.
  3. Select the plan to be imported.
  4. Check the "Overwrite tolerances and hole types" checkbox.
  5. Check the "Overwrite material types" checkbox.
  6. Click "Import".
  7. A dialog box will appear, warning the user that there is a conflict, and it must be resolved.
  8. A dialog box will appear.
    • On the left hand side is a list of material types that are in the plan coming from BlastIQ™. 
    • The middle column contains the list of material types in the SHOTPlus™ file.

  9. Use the "Map", "Auto map" and "Map all" buttons to map the material types. The BlastIQ™ material types will overwrite the SHOTPlus™ material types.
    • The "Map" button will link the selected item in the BlastIQ™ column, with the selected item in the SHOTPlus™ column.
    • The "Auto map" button will automatically match items in the BlastIQ™ column with an item in the SHOTPlus™ column if they have the same label.
    • The "Map all" button will map the items in the BlastIQ™ with their respective item in the SHOTPlus™ column.
    • The "Un-map" and "Un-map all" buttons can be used to undo a mapped item or all mapped items respectively.
  10. Once all items have been mapped, the "OK" button will become available. Click "OK".
  11. Holes will then be imported into SHOTPlus™.
  12. Users can verify what hole types or material types have been imported by going to Edit > Blast Properties to view them.
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