NOTE: This will apply to all versions of SHOTPlus™, SHOTPlus™ for Tunnels and SHOTPlus™ UG. Admin privileges are required to install the software, so users without admin privileges may need the assistance of their IT department to download and activate the software. The user should have a SHOTPlus licence/seat assigned in BlastIQ Admin to activate SHOTPlus successfully.
Please see the minimum system & network requirements here
1. Please download the appropriate version of SHOTPlus from the SHOTPlus™ Software Downloads Page.
2. This will download the .exe file for the software.
3. Run this .exe to bring up the install wizard and Click "Install"
4. Press the "Close" button once the installation is completed successfully
5. Open SHOTPlus from the start menu.
6. SHOTPlus™ will display the below window to create your profile. Please fill in all the information and press the Ok button.
7. Please follow the SHOTPlus™ BlastIQ™ Licensing guide to activate SHOTPlus.
If you experience any difficulties with the download and activation process, please send an email to