SHOTPlus™ Underground Release Notes 2.6.1






Release notes for SHOTPlus™ UG version 2.6.1. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via

Released 11th July 2023


SHOTPlus™ Underground licences can now be managed using the BlastIQ™ licensing system.

The option for BlastIQ™ licensing will be presented when opening SHOTPlus™ Underground, where a valid, active SHOTPlus™ licence key is not present. BlastIQ™ licensing requires the allocation of a licence seat via the BlastIQ™ admin portal and valid BlastIQ™ credentials.

To licence using a BlastIQ™ Licence from within SHOTPlus™ Underground, select 'Help' > 'Request BlastIQ™ Licence' from the main toolbar in SHOTPlus™ Underground.

For more on Licencing SHOTPlus™ Underground with BlastIQ™ licencing, see the Knowledge Base Article, linked below.

BlastIQ™ Licensing


Variable Density Charge Calculations

SHOTPlus™ Underground now supports Subtek™ Variable Density calculations. 3, 2.

To enable variable density products:

  1. Open Edit Blast Properties, select Charge Weight Calculations and ensure 'Enable variable density products is selected'.
  2. Ensure 'Subtek Variable Density' products are selected in the Available Resources list.

As a part of the implementation of variable density charge calculations the following has been implemented:

  1. Ungassed Collar shown on hole loading diagrams as a dashed line.
  2. Ungassed Collar added to Hole Table.
  3. Ungassed Collar added as reportable entity in Fast Reports.

Where loading designs result in product beyond critical density the following warnings will be given:

  1. Warning dialog when holes are loaded.
  2. No charge weight will be shown on the hole diagram.
  3. Red 'Density Critical' label will be shown on the hole diagram and in the 'Edit Loading' dialog.

4D Bulk

To support 4D Underground implementations the following features have been added:

  1. Ability to record, edit, and display 'Depth to Water' against a hole in loading view and the hole table.
  2. Ability to display multiple decks in the hole table.
  3. Ability to view multiple decks by colour, which can be enabled in 'Blast Properties' > 'Loading Visualisation'.
  4. An additional legend for bulk explosive type by toggling 'Explosive legend' on/off in Visibility Manager.
  5. Added 'Deck product'. 
  6. Ability to Import up to five decks of explosives via the text importer.

Other New Functionality

  1. Added the ability to Import and Export Drill Designs to and from SHOTPlus™ Tunnel 1,2.
  2. Added the ability to trim polylines inside or outside of selected polygon.
  3. Drill Direction property added to Ring Objects. 3
  4. 'Drill Direction Tool' added to set the Drill Direction for Ring Objects. 4
  5. SHOTPlus™ Underground updated to run .Net 4.8 framework.


    1. To export a set of holes to SHOTPlus™ Tunnel, select 'File' > 'Export' > 'Selected holes to SHOTPlus-T'.
    2. To import a set of holes from SHOTPlus™ Tunnel, select 'File' > 'Import' > 'Holes to SHOTPlus-T'.
    3. Drill Direction can be set by opening the Edit Ring dialog and changing the 'Principal Direction' or by using the Drill Direction Tool.
    4. The 'Drill Direction Tool' is located in the toolbar, indicated by the icon below. Using the Drill Direction Tool the drill direction for a ring object can be set by clicking and dragging over a ring object, or ring objects, in the desired drill direction.



  1. Aligned detonator status with WebGen™ system.
  2. Changed the exception behaviour of WebGen™ 200 imports.
  3. Where hole types are not in use they will not be shown in the legend on the main screen.
  4. SHOTPlus™ Underground now only allows the selection of objects between the user-selected clipping planes when in ring view.
  5. Unused columns removed from Import from Encoder view in EBS logging summary.
  6. Adjusted Charge Sheet default report to display correct time heading.
  7. Improved reporting for primers not attached to a encoding path for WebGen™ Exports.
  8. The ordering of holes within a ring in '2D view' is now based on the Drill Direction. 
  9. When using the EBS time set tool, users can now select the hole track as well as the hole collar. 1
  10. Ability to view bulk product abbreviation next to hole track by toggling 'Deck product' on/off in Visibility Manager.
  11. Increased decimal precision for text exports.
  12. The following fields were added to the Text Importer:
    1. EBS Hole Time.
    2. Primer 1 - Primer 12.
    3. Delay 1 - Delay 12.
    4. Initiator 1 - Initiator 12.
  13. The following fields were added to the Text Exporter:
    1. EBS Hole Time.
    2. Primer 1 Depth - Primer 12 Depth.
    3. Delay 1 - Delay 12.


    1. This setting is activated when using the EBS set tool, using the 'Select hole track' option.


  1. WebGen™ encoders were incorrectly becoming children of other encoders on the logger assignment table.
  2. EBS Logging summary was not correctly calculating the number of detonators for WebGen™ 200 exports.
  3. Characters were being positioned outside of the 2D View window in certain circumstances.
  4. Extra holes were causing an unhandled exception on import of WebGen™ 200 LGF files.
  5. Undo was not affecting the position of Ring Planes.
  6. Extra detonators referenced in WebGen™ 200 LGF imports were not being included in subsequent exports.
  7. EBS logging summary was incorrectly reporting the deck number of WebGen™ 200 primers.
  8. Added string to correctly populate detonator position in EBS logging summary.
  9. Composite polylines were only printing in black and white.
  10. Ring diagrams were not zooming to loaded holes in reports based on Ring View.
  11. Unhandled exception when importing encoded WebGen™ 200 LGF file.
  12. Ability to position a primer at the specified level was not working correctly.
  13. Times exported to WebGen™ encoders did not match the times displayed in SHOTPlus™.
  14. Typing in the Active Layer Box was causing an unhandled exception.
  15. Recovery files were not being saved at the correct interval.
  16. Fixed an issue where visibility manager was not affecting 2D view.
  17. Removed reference to logger in Logger report for WebGen™ 100 or 200.
  18. Fixed an issue where ring objects were not snappable.
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