- Release notes for SHOTPlus™ UG version 2.6.1. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
Released 11th July 2023
SHOTPlus™ Underground licences can now be managed using the BlastIQ™ licensing system.
The option for BlastIQ™ licensing will be presented when opening SHOTPlus™ Underground, where a valid, active SHOTPlus™ licence key is not present. BlastIQ™ licensing requires the allocation of a licence seat via the BlastIQ™ admin portal and valid BlastIQ™ credentials.
To licence using a BlastIQ™ Licence from within SHOTPlus™ Underground, select 'Help' > 'Request BlastIQ™ Licence' from the main toolbar in SHOTPlus™ Underground.
For more on Licencing SHOTPlus™ Underground with BlastIQ™ licencing, see the Knowledge Base Article, linked below.
BlastIQ™ Licensing-
Variable Density Charge Calculations
SHOTPlus™ Underground now supports Subtek™ Variable Density calculations. 3, 2.
To enable variable density products:
- Open Edit Blast Properties, select Charge Weight Calculations and ensure 'Enable variable density products is selected'.
- Ensure 'Subtek Variable Density' products are selected in the Available Resources list.
As a part of the implementation of variable density charge calculations the following has been implemented:
- Ungassed Collar shown on hole loading diagrams as a dashed line.
- Ungassed Collar added to Hole Table.
- Ungassed Collar added as reportable entity in Fast Reports.
Where loading designs result in product beyond critical density the following warnings will be given:
- Warning dialog when holes are loaded.
- No charge weight will be shown on the hole diagram.
- Red 'Density Critical' label will be shown on the hole diagram and in the 'Edit Loading' dialog.
4D Bulk
To support 4D Underground implementations the following features have been added:
- Ability to record, edit, and display 'Depth to Water' against a hole in loading view and the hole table.
- Ability to display multiple decks in the hole table.
- Ability to view multiple decks by colour, which can be enabled in 'Blast Properties' > 'Loading Visualisation'.
- An additional legend for bulk explosive type by toggling 'Explosive legend' on/off in Visibility Manager.
- Added 'Deck product'.
- Ability to Import up to five decks of explosives via the text importer.
Other New Functionality
- Added the ability to Import and Export Drill Designs to and from SHOTPlus™ Tunnel 1,2.
- Added the ability to trim polylines inside or outside of selected polygon.
- Drill Direction property added to Ring Objects. 3
- 'Drill Direction Tool' added to set the Drill Direction for Ring Objects. 4
- SHOTPlus™ Underground updated to run .Net 4.8 framework.
- To export a set of holes to SHOTPlus™ Tunnel, select 'File' > 'Export' > 'Selected holes to SHOTPlus-T'.
- To import a set of holes from SHOTPlus™ Tunnel, select 'File' > 'Import' > 'Holes to SHOTPlus-T'.
- Drill Direction can be set by opening the Edit Ring dialog and changing the 'Principal Direction' or by using the Drill Direction Tool.
- The 'Drill Direction Tool' is located in the toolbar, indicated by the icon below. Using the Drill Direction Tool the drill direction for a ring object can be set by clicking and dragging over a ring object, or ring objects, in the desired drill direction.
- Aligned detonator status with WebGen™ system.
- Changed the exception behaviour of WebGen™ 200 imports.
- Where hole types are not in use they will not be shown in the legend on the main screen.
- SHOTPlus™ Underground now only allows the selection of objects between the user-selected clipping planes when in ring view.
- Unused columns removed from Import from Encoder view in EBS logging summary.
- Adjusted Charge Sheet default report to display correct time heading.
- Improved reporting for primers not attached to a encoding path for WebGen™ Exports.
- The ordering of holes within a ring in '2D view' is now based on the Drill Direction.
- When using the EBS time set tool, users can now select the hole track as well as the hole collar. 1
- Ability to view bulk product abbreviation next to hole track by toggling 'Deck product' on/off in Visibility Manager.
- Increased decimal precision for text exports.
- The following fields were added to the Text Importer:
- EBS Hole Time.
- Primer 1 - Primer 12.
- Delay 1 - Delay 12.
- Initiator 1 - Initiator 12.
- The following fields were added to the Text Exporter:
- EBS Hole Time.
- Primer 1 Depth - Primer 12 Depth.
- Delay 1 - Delay 12.
- This setting is activated when using the EBS set tool, using the 'Select hole track' option.
- WebGen™ encoders were incorrectly becoming children of other encoders on the logger assignment table.
- EBS Logging summary was not correctly calculating the number of detonators for WebGen™ 200 exports.
- Characters were being positioned outside of the 2D View window in certain circumstances.
- Extra holes were causing an unhandled exception on import of WebGen™ 200 LGF files.
- Undo was not affecting the position of Ring Planes.
- Extra detonators referenced in WebGen™ 200 LGF imports were not being included in subsequent exports.
- EBS logging summary was incorrectly reporting the deck number of WebGen™ 200 primers.
- Added string to correctly populate detonator position in EBS logging summary.
- Composite polylines were only printing in black and white.
- Ring diagrams were not zooming to loaded holes in reports based on Ring View.
- Unhandled exception when importing encoded WebGen™ 200 LGF file.
- Ability to position a primer at the specified level was not working correctly.
- Times exported to WebGen™ encoders did not match the times displayed in SHOTPlus™.
- Typing in the Active Layer Box was causing an unhandled exception.
- Recovery files were not being saved at the correct interval.
- Fixed an issue where visibility manager was not affecting 2D view.
- Removed reference to logger in Logger report for WebGen™ 100 or 200.
- Fixed an issue where ring objects were not snappable.