- Release notes for SHOTPlus™ UG version 2.5.4. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
Released 29th June 2022
- Configuration conventions added for Dip and Dump attributes.
- Dip and Dump attributes made available for blastholes that are part of a Ring object.
- Created WebGen™ specific Encoder report. Available from Calculations > EBS Logging Report> Preview.
- Ability to search WebGen™ DRX and Booster IDs via Filter and Search.
- 'Reverse All' added to Ring View to reverse the looking direction for all rings viewed in Ring View.
- '2D Layout View' allows users to view rings, and create harness wire paths in plan view. Available from View > 2D Layout View.
- Quantities report now available in Excel format.
- WebGen™ 100 export format updated.
- Primer locations are now shown when using the loading tool.
- Improved the way Coordinate Transforms were calculated.
- Detonator limit for WebGen™ 200 hardware.
- Added ring-by-ring breakdown of quantities to Quantities Export.
- Added Hole Type colour legend.
- Blocked uploads to EBS Loggers where duplicate Hole IDs are assigned to a single blaster.
- Added WebGen™ logo to applicable reports.
- Added number of listed WebGen™ DRX units to the EBS Logging Summary.
- Optimised report file size when including loading charts.
- Columns in Report Designer and Print Reports dialog boxes adjusted to show all information.
- Allow text import of points to include a Text Tag.
- Shaded polygons are now shown in reports that include Ring View diagrams.
- Updated the SHOTPlus™ Underground DXF importer and exporter.
- Added option to view in-hole initiation time at the collar of blastholes.
- Added dockable options window for 2D View.
- Added hole legend to 2D View.
- Ring ID now rotates with users aspect in 2D View.
- Added legend configuration and cycle cardinal view options to the 2D View toolbar.
- Lead-in information was not being registered when first assigned to an encoder.
- DRX ID not updating when importing from encoder.
- DRX Status was not being updated when importing from encoder.
- Rings were not being correctly aligned to hole locations when holes were imported using 'length', 'angle', and 'bearing'.
- Unhandled error occurred when attempting to convert a zero length polyline to a hole.
- Importing i-kon™ LGF files with missing holes logged caused an unhandled error.
- i-kon™ exception flags were not being shown when importing LGF files.
- Assigning more than 27 lead-in objects was resulting in an unhandled exception.
- Holes were incorrectly duplicated in EBS logging summary when importing encoder files with different statuses.
- EBS Exception indicators not showing for WebGen™ primers.
- SHOTPlus™ Underground was incorrectly setting the Index ID as the Hole ID for Logger II exports in certain situations.
- Hole Length displayed in metric units when SHOTPlus™ Underground set to imperial units.
- Holes not assigned to Ring objects did not have the correct Hole ID in the EBS Logging Summary.
- 2D view was not printing in landscape view.
- Initiator times not showing unit at all times.
- Hole times not always shown in the correct position in 2D View.
- EBS Logging Summary displaying Deck No. as '-1' for imported WebGen™ 200 encoders.
- WebGen™ 200 encryption not working correctly.
- When copying decks containing WebGen™ primers, the DRX entity was not copying correctly.
- Importing WebGen™ 200 encoding file was not updating the EBS Logging Report export table correctly.
- EBS Logging Summary was generating an incorrect report for imported WebGen™ 200 encoders.
- Ring entities without holes were resulting in a system overflow exception.
- EBS Logging Summary was not displaying imported WebGen™ 200 encoder information after a SHOTPlus™ Underground file was reopened.