SHOTPlus™ Underground Release Notes 2.5.4






Release notes for SHOTPlus™ UG version 2.5.4. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via

Released 29th June 2022


  1. Configuration conventions added for Dip and Dump attributes.
  2. Dip and Dump attributes made available for blastholes that are part of a Ring object.
  3. Created WebGen™ specific Encoder report. Available from Calculations > EBS Logging Report> Preview.
  4. Ability to search WebGen™ DRX and Booster IDs via Filter and Search.
  5. 'Reverse All' added to Ring View to reverse the looking direction for all rings viewed in Ring View.
  6. '2D Layout View' allows users to view rings, and create harness wire paths in plan view. Available from View > 2D Layout View.
  7. Quantities report now available in Excel format.


  1. WebGen™ 100 export format updated.
  2. Primer locations are now shown when using the loading tool.
  3. Improved the way Coordinate Transforms were calculated.
  4. Detonator limit for WebGen™ 200 hardware.
  5. Added ring-by-ring breakdown of quantities to Quantities Export.
  6. Added Hole Type colour legend.
  7. Blocked uploads to EBS Loggers where duplicate Hole IDs are assigned to a single blaster.
  8. Added WebGen™ logo to applicable reports.
  9. Added number of listed WebGen™ DRX units to the EBS Logging Summary.
  10. Optimised report file size when including loading charts.
  11. Columns in Report Designer and Print Reports dialog boxes adjusted to show all information.
  12. Allow text import of points to include a Text Tag.
  13. Shaded polygons are now shown in reports that include Ring View diagrams.
  14. Updated the SHOTPlus™ Underground DXF importer and exporter.
  15. Added option to view in-hole initiation time at the collar of blastholes.
  16. Added dockable options window for 2D View.
  17. Added hole legend to 2D View.
  18. Ring ID now rotates with users aspect in 2D View.
  19. Added legend configuration and cycle cardinal view options to the 2D View toolbar.


  1. Lead-in information was not being registered when first assigned to an encoder.
  2. DRX ID not updating when importing from encoder.
  3. DRX Status was not being updated when importing from encoder.
  4. Rings were not being correctly aligned to hole locations when holes were imported using 'length', 'angle', and 'bearing'.
  5. Unhandled error occurred when attempting to convert a zero length polyline to a hole.
  6. Importing i-kon™ LGF files with missing holes logged caused an unhandled error.
  7. i-kon™ exception flags were not being shown when importing LGF files.
  8. Assigning more than 27 lead-in objects was resulting in an unhandled exception.
  9. Holes were incorrectly duplicated in EBS logging summary when importing encoder files with different statuses.
  10. EBS Exception indicators not showing for WebGen™ primers.
  11. SHOTPlus™ Underground was incorrectly setting the Index ID as the Hole ID for Logger II exports in certain situations.
  12. Hole Length displayed in metric units when SHOTPlus™ Underground set to imperial units.
  13. Holes not assigned to Ring objects did not have the correct Hole ID in the EBS Logging Summary.
  14. 2D view was not printing in landscape view.
  15. Initiator times not showing unit at all times.
  16. Hole times not always shown in the correct position in 2D View.
  17. EBS Logging Summary displaying Deck No. as '-1' for imported WebGen™ 200 encoders.
  18. WebGen™ 200 encryption not working correctly.
  19. When copying decks containing WebGen™ primers, the DRX entity was not copying correctly. 
  20. Importing WebGen™ 200 encoding file was not updating the EBS Logging Report export table correctly.
  21. EBS Logging Summary was generating an incorrect report for imported WebGen™ 200 encoders.
  22. Ring entities without holes were resulting in a system overflow exception.
  23. EBS Logging Summary was not displaying imported WebGen™ 200 encoder information after a SHOTPlus™ Underground file was reopened.
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