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- Release notes for SHOTPlus™ Underground version - 2.4.6. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
Released 19th October 2021
- Fixed an issue where SHOTPlus™ Underground Production updates were failing.
Released 12th October 2021
- Ability to import binary STR files and Surpac DTM files.
- Added ability to empty Manually Loaded Blastholes via the ‘Loading Tool’.
- Added ability to set primer distance from toe of hole when editing loading.
- Dip and Dump hole properties added to visibility manager 1.
- Export WebGen™ 200 GID information at LGF file.
- Dip and Dump attributes for a hole are only applicable when a hole is attached to a ring.
- Reinstated ‘Select blastholes in a time widow’ feature.
- Ring View ‘Ring ID’ text size increased to improve legibility.
- User warning added when editing a group of holes.
- Improved object location when drawing at oblique angles.
- Improve logic for ‘uncharged collar’ attribute.
- SHOTPlus™ splash screen wording updated.
- Align WebGen™ 100 products with selected EBS Blaster Type.
- Align WebGen™ 200 products with selected EBS Blaster Type.
- Add total number of primers as reportable attribute.
- Order initiation point reportable attribute.
- i-kon™ Plugins were incorrectly available for selection as DRX products in the loading rules.
- Unhandled exception when exporting entities as a DXF.
- Error when importing a DXF file.
- File corruption after saving.
- Fixed typo on: File > Import > Surpac STR files.
- Recovery files were being generated with no information.
- Closing blast properties was causing the main screen to refresh unnecessarily.
- Rings were disappearing after using the ‘reset’ function in ‘Ring View’.
- Layers imported via DXF were unable to be frozen using the ‘Layer Manager’.
- ‘Plan View’ functionality was not resetting the view as expected.
- Decimal place setting was not being applied to printed reports.
- Copying a ring object was resulting in an unhandled error under certain circumstances.
- Ring View ‘Current Ring Only’ option was causing a screen display error.
- Importing Deswik files was causing a ‘Matrix Inversion Error’.
- ‘Ring Diagram Portrait’ view was being printed in landscape orientation.
- Holes in reports were appearing staggered at deck intersections.
- Objects were being drawn in the incorrect plane based on the users view.
- System out of memory exception occurring with some large surface files.
Released 4th February 2021
- New function to edit the visible significant figures for dimension text.
- Improved tool tip hints for ‘EBS Set’ tool and ‘EBS Deck Set’ tool;
- Added new shortcut keys:
- ESC - close current tool
- Backspace - undo last action
- Ctrl + Backspace - redo last action.
- Added ‘Deck No.’, ‘Position’, and ‘Depth’ in EBS Logging Summary.
- WebGen™ encoder type set based on DRX version selected.
- Fixed issues with.
- All hole IDs showing as ‘1’ in EBS logging report.
- DXF import error.
- Snap to was incorrectly jumping between closely spaced points.
- Reverse view button was causing clipping error.
- Updated SHOTPlus™ UG with WebGen™ revised naming conventions.
- Updated WebGen™ product range in product database