SHOTPlus™ Underground Release Notes - 2.4.6 -






Release notes for SHOTPlus™ Underground version - 2.4.6. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via

Released 19th October 2021


  1. Fixed an issue where SHOTPlus™ Underground Production updates were failing.


Released 12th October 2021


  1. Ability to import binary STR files and Surpac DTM files.
  2. Added ability to empty Manually Loaded Blastholes via the ‘Loading Tool’.
  3. Added ability to set primer distance from toe of hole when editing loading.
  4. Dip and Dump hole properties added to visibility manager 1.
  5. Export WebGen™ 200 GID information at LGF file.


    1. Dip and Dump attributes for a hole are only applicable when a hole is attached to a ring.


  1. Reinstated ‘Select blastholes in a time widow’ feature.
  2. Ring View ‘Ring ID’ text size increased to improve legibility.
  3. User warning added when editing a group of holes.
  4. Improved object location when drawing at oblique angles.
  5. Improve logic for ‘uncharged collar’ attribute.
  6. SHOTPlus™ splash screen wording updated.
  7. Align WebGen™ 100 products with selected EBS Blaster Type.
  8. Align WebGen™ 200 products with selected EBS Blaster Type.
  9. Add total number of primers as reportable attribute.
  10. Order initiation point reportable attribute.


  1. i-kon™ Plugins were incorrectly available for selection as DRX products in the loading rules.
  2. Unhandled exception when exporting entities as a DXF.
  3. Error when importing a DXF file.
  4. File corruption after saving.
  5. Fixed typo on: File > Import > Surpac STR files.
  6. Recovery files were being generated with no information.
  7. Closing blast properties was causing the main screen to refresh unnecessarily.
  8. Rings were disappearing after using the ‘reset’ function in ‘Ring View’.
  9. Layers imported via DXF were unable to be frozen using the ‘Layer Manager’.
  10. ‘Plan View’ functionality was not resetting the view as expected.
  11. Decimal place setting was not being applied to printed reports.
  12. Copying a ring object was resulting in an unhandled error under certain circumstances.
  13. Ring View ‘Current Ring Only’ option was causing a screen display error.
  14. Importing Deswik files was causing a ‘Matrix Inversion Error’.
  15. ‘Ring Diagram Portrait’ view was being printed in landscape orientation.
  16. Holes in reports were appearing staggered at deck intersections.
  17. Objects were being drawn in the incorrect plane based on the users view.
  18. System out of memory exception occurring with some large surface files.

Released 4th February 2021


  1. New function to edit the visible significant figures for dimension text.


  1. Improved tool tip hints for ‘EBS Set’ tool and ‘EBS Deck Set’ tool;
  2. Added new shortcut keys:
    • ESC - close current tool
    • Backspace - undo last action
    • Ctrl + Backspace - redo last action.
  3. Added ‘Deck No.’, ‘Position’, and ‘Depth’ in EBS Logging Summary.
  4. WebGen™ encoder type set based on DRX version selected.


  1. Fixed issues with.
  2. All hole IDs showing as ‘1’ in EBS logging report.
  3. DXF import error.
  4. Snap to was incorrectly jumping between closely spaced points.
  5. Reverse view button was causing clipping error.


  1. Updated SHOTPlus™ UG with WebGen™ revised naming conventions.
  2. Updated WebGen™ product range in product database
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