Surfaces - Expanding Surfaces

SHOTPlus™ Variant:
Version: or >
KBA Published:
07 April 2021
KBA Summary:
How to expand existing surfaces in SHOTPlus™ version 6.


There are three methods of expanding a surface in SHOTPlus™, they are:

  1. Expand by distance.
  2. Expand to blast extents.
  3. Expand to polygon.
Expand by Distance

Expand by distance will expand a selected surface by a user-defined distance. The selected surface can be expanded multiple times. To Expand by distance:

  1. Select the surface to expand.
  2. From the main toolbar select Tools > Surfaces > Expand surface.


  1. In the Expand surface dialog box select the Expand by radio button and enter the desired expansion distance in metres.
  2. Select Expand. The Expand button can be selected multiple times to continually expand the selected surface by the desired expansion distance.


  1. To finish select either:
      • Cancel – to cancel the expansion and close the Expand surface dialog box.
      • OK – to accept the expansion and close the Expand surface dialog box.

Expand by Distance Settings

When expanding a surface by distance, the method of expansion and the points used to extrapolate the expansion can be adjusted.

To adjust the settings for Expand by distance:

  1. Select Advanced from the Expand surface dialog box to open the Expand surface advanced options dialog box.


Method Point Selection

Surfaces can be expanded by a distance using two different methods:

  1. Plane of best fit - Extrapolates the surface based on the points used to generate the surface.
  2. Flat - Extrapolates the surface horizontally.

To adjust the method used for expansion:

  1. Select the preferred option from the Method drop down box in the Expand surface advanced options dialog box.


Expand by Blast Extents

Expand by blast extents will expand the selected surface to beyond the collar and/or toe points of the outermost holes within a blast pattern. To Expand to blast extents:

  1. Select the surface to expand.
  2. From the main toolbar select Tools > Surfaces > Expand surface.


  1. In the Expand surface dialog box select the Expand to blast extents radio button.
  2. Select Expand.


  1. To finish select either:
      • Cancel – to cancel the expansion and close the Expand surface dialog box.
      • OK – to accept the expansion and close the Expand surface dialog box.

Expand Surface to Polygon

Expand surface to polygon will expand a selected surface to the extent of a selected polygon. To Expand surface to polygon:

  1. Select the surface to expand.
  2. Select the polygon to expand the surface to.
  3. From the main toolbar select Tools > Surfaces > Expand surface to polygon.


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