- Release notes for SHOTPlus™ Tunnel version 2.20.5. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
Released 13thDecember 2022
- WebGen™ 200 Encryption implemented.
- SHOTPlus™ Tunnel now checks that charge designed meet the minimum requirements for Toe and Ejection charges for all MDCU exports.
- SHOTPlus™ Tunnel will now check that the toe and ejection charge meets the minimum charge requirements when exporting MDCU files.
- SHOTPlus™ Tunnel will only export holes with WebGen™ primers in MDCU exports.
- SHOTPlus™ added the ability to Import and Export Drill Designs to and from SHOTPlus™ Underground.1,2
- BlastIQ™ Licencing has now been enabled in SHOTPlus™ Tunnel.3
- To import a set of holes from SHOTPlus™ Underground, select 'File' > 'Import' > 'Selected holes to SHOTPlus-UG'.
- To export a set of holes to SHOTPlus™ Underground, select 'File' > 'Export' > 'Holes to SHOTPlus-UG'.
- To find out more about BlastIQ™ Licencing in SHOTPlus™ Tunnel, click here.
- The Cut Template Tool now allows import of SPC2 Templates.
- Updated SHOTPlus™ Tunnel wording on SHOTPlus™ Tunnel Installer.
- Updated SHOTPlus™ Tunnel wording on SHOTPlus™ Launcher.
- Updated SHOTPlus™ Tunnel wording on SHOTPlus™ Tunnel Program Header.
- Increased number of decimals used when performing coordinate transform.
- Added option to export IREDES Hole ID as SHOTPlus™ Hole ID for all IREDES Exports.
- Added internal handling for duplicate hole GUIDs.
- Added Hole ID Validation for MDCU Exports.
- Added the ability to export extended firing data with cosines.
- Added charge diameter to Extended Firing Data export.
- Added coordinate transfer for extended firing data.
- Using SHOTPlus™ Tunnel Hole ID as IREDES Hole Name is now the default option for MDCU exports.
- All delay times now match for MDCU exports.
- SHOTPlus™ Tunnel will now warn users where holes do not have a valid deck design for an MDCU export.
- Improved naming and file structure for MDCU exports.
- Removed Deck Index array from Detonators Node of MDCU XML file.
- Where WebGen™ 100 and WebGen™ 200 is the selected EBS, changed references to Loggers to Encoders.
- Changed export preferences when exporting MDCU Charge files.
- SHOTPlus™ Tunnel now updates Detonator Status in EBS Logging Report when importing from WebGen™ 200 Encoder.
- SHOTPlus™ Tunnel now updates DRX ID when importing from WebGen™ 200 Encoder.
- Baseline tool not available from 'Relative to' selection box in Hole Layout Tool.
- Fixed discrepancies in WebGen™ Report.
- WebGen™ DRX were not showing in Quantities List.
- Scene explorer was not updated when using the Time Envelope window.
- Quantities report was showing a discrepancy in explosive volume in certain circumstances.
- Volume discrepancies between Quantities and Quantities by Hole Type.
- wyUpdate was not being included in SHOTPlus™ Tunnel installations.
- SPT Converter was not being included in SHOTPlus™ Tunnel installations.
- An unhandled exception was occurring in SHOTPlus™ Tunnel when printing a plan.
- Entering angles >45° was causing SHOTPlus™ Tunnel to crash.
- 'Retain Timing' functionality was not working correcting in the Loading Tool.
- Opening Blast Settings was incorrectly clearing the EBS tie-in due to incorrect EBS blaster settings.
- MSW executable was not being included in the SHOTPlus™ Tunnel installation packaged.
- Blast Location in blast reports did not match the location of the blast in the blast header.
- Initiation times for WebGen™ blasts were being rounded incorrectly.
- The MSW executable will not be included when updating. To ensure the MSW executable is included, please re-install SHOTPlus™ Tunnel by downloading the installer from the BlastIQ™ Support website, here.