Blast Boundary Creation


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.0.0 and above
KBA Summary:
This KBA details how to create blast boundaries in SHOTPlus™



Blast boundaries can be created in two ways in SHOTPlus™.



1. Go to Tools / General functions / Create blast bounds.

2. Insert the blast bound options:

  • Enter in the offset options to consider: Collar, Collar and toe positions, Grade or Toe
  • Enter a constant or differential offsite from holes value.
  • Select if the bound must be smooth and its type (low, meium, high)
  • If the 'Delete existing polygon' option is selected, when you click ok, this will delete any existing polygons that are defined as a blast boundary and will replace it with the one being created.

3. A polygon will be created when you click OK and will automatically be defined as a blast boundary610-9.jpg

4. The blast boundary can be easily edited by unlocking the layer in the Layer manager. Points can then be dragged in or out as required to modify the boundary. 


6. Points can also be added to the polygon by right clicking on the polygon and selecting Edit. Using the Edit window, a point can be added after the selected point (the arrows on the left of the window allow you to move between points to select the correct one). This will make it easier to create an accurate boundary around tighter areas.  





1. Using the 3D polygon tool, draw a polygon around the outer edge of the blast.


2. Go to Tools / General functions / Expand polygon, and enter how much the polygon needs to be expanded around the outer edges of the blast (eg half a burden). Click OK, and the polygon will be expanded by this value. 



3. To define the polygon as a blast boundary, select the polygon and right click. Select Edit, and the using the drop down list on the window that appears, select the blast bounds or the blast bounds (toe) layer.



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