Using the Pack Rows Function


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KBA Summary:
This Knowledge Base Article details how the Pack Rows tool within SHOTPlus™  can be used to refine row placement and enhance blast performance.

The "Pack Rows" tool aims to evenly distribute holes within a blast area, optimising burdens and charge distribution. This article focuses on the "Pack Rows" function and how it can be used to optimise burdens and improve blast performance.

The Pack Rows Function

The Pack Rows tool can be found on the "Blast Tools" toolbar (as shown in Figure 1), this tool alters rows of blast holes to optimise the burden of a blast. 

Picture1.pngFigure 1. Blast Tools toolbar and the Pack Rows icon.

Modes of Operation

The Pack Rows tool can be used in either Automatic or Manual mode.

Automatic Mode

In Automatic mode, the Pack Rows tool moves rows backwards and forwards to produce the optimal average burdens between holes calculated based on toe burdens.

Selecting Baselines

In automatic mode the Pack Row tool can work with all baselines in a blast or just a subset of them. User can decide to select to use either 'All Baselines' (See Figure 2), or 'Selected Baselines only' (Figure 3). If no rows are attached to the base line SHOTPlus™ will notify the user (Figure 4).


Figure 2. When the 'All Baseline' option is selected.

Picture12.pngFigure 3. When the user only wants selected baselines.

Picture14.pngFigure 4. SHOTPlus™ will notify the user if baselines do not have rows attached.

Choosing Rows

Users can select which row the Pack Row tool commences from by selected the associated row listed in the drop down (Figure 5).


Figure 5. User can select which row the Pack Row tool will pack from.

Select Burden Design

Users can choose to implement a minimum, maximum or nominal burden design (see Figure 6), these variables are based from the input entered into the 'Design Data'.


Figure 6. Steps to implement the automatic Pack Row function.

Manual Mode

In Manual mode, the user can adjust the burden row by row and customise the variables listed below and highlighted in Figure 7.

  1. Baseline: Choose the baseline to serve as the reference for the adjustments.
  2. View front burden at: Specify the point at which the burden is measured (e.g., Toe, Collar, or user-specified depth).
  3. Burden: Adjust the burden between each row and the preceding one.
  4. Swing: Apply a swing to each row relative to its baseline for further fine-tuning.
  5. Results: Visualise results in a table which displays the relationship between variables entered.


Figure 7. Adjustable variables for the manual Pack Row function.

Video Demonstration

This video demonstrates the functionality of both modes of the Pack Row tool.

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