Edit Program Preferences



SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6 and above

KBA Summary:

A detailed of SHOTPlus™ program settings.



NOTE: Further options are available under program settings when you open this prior to starting a new blast or opening an existing blast. These options are also available under blast settings when you already have a blast open. Please also note that settings vary between SHOTPlus Standard, Premier and Professional. The information in this article specifically relates to Premier.


There are 2 types of preferences in SHOTPlus™:

  1. Global preferences, which affect the entire program and, if design orientated, only take effect when a new blast design is created and affects all new blasts from then on. The global preferences apply to the entire program and are independent of the blast you are working on. These preferences are know as Program Settings. Whenever any of these settings are changed they will take effect immediately and will persist even if you shut the program down and restart it. All other preferences relate to the setting of blast properties.
  2. Blast related preferences, which take effect immediately and are saved with the SHOTPlus™ design file or as templates. These are:
    1. Blast properties
    2. Design data
    3. Available resources
    4. Blast outcomes
    5. Summary block


Edit Program Settings

The program settings can be accessed via the Edit menu on the Main menu bar.


  • These program settings define the overall operating environment of SHOTPlus™ and are divided into the following sections of the Edit program settings dialogue:
    • General
    • Graphics
    • Language 
    • Online services (not covered in this article)
    • Print titles
    • Printing logos
    • Reports
    • Resources
    • Units
  • Each one of the above sections has it's own options menu with several sub-menus that allow you to define the settings for the program. Most of these options can be edited using tick boxes.

Edit General Settings

The general setting option allows you to set up the application in a way that makes it more convenient to use for you and your personal working habits.

  • Show program startup assistant: When this box is ticked, the startup assistant window is displayed at the startup of the application. It provides you with options to open one of the recently opened and saved files. 4.png
  • Snap to objects: When the snap to object option is checked you can acquire any point's exact coordinates by placing the mouse pointer in close proximity to it and letting it rest for up to 1 second. The mouse pointer coordinates will be promptly updated with the coordinates of the desired point. 
  • Black background: This option to either choose black or white as the background colour of the main edit window.
  • Show hints: If this option is checked, a helpful hint provides information about a button or icon or text field when you hover the cursor over it. 
  • Save recovery file periodically: You can set a time interval for enabling an automatic save and backup system for your blast design. This is automatically set at 5 minutes if you don't change it.
  • Use sound effects: If you tick this box you can use sound effects during the timing visualisation of your blast design.
  • Advanced sound driver: The advanced sound driver option is determined by your computer.
  • Reverse mouse wheel zoom direction: By default the mouse wheel up rolling motion will zoom the direction away from you and vice versa. This option allows you to reverse the wheel-up control to now zoom the design in instead.
  • Full 3D rotate: Enables a full 3D rotate. It is recommended that his option is left un-ticked to provide a 3D rotation around a single point.
  • Number of backup files: The number of backup files to be saved and stored on the hard drive before they begin to be overwritten by new ones is automatically set at 5 if you do not actively change it to a different number.
  • Full DXF block import: Will import all information contained within a DXF.
  • Show popup alerts: Displays error and help messages.
  • Draw points, lines, text and circles using layer colours: Draws objects using the same colour as the layer they are contained within.

Define Graphics Settings

  • The graphics setting option allows you to set up the application in a way that makes it more convenient to use for your visualization and your personal working habits.
  • The option to enable Use legacy graphics calls is explained in this KBA: SHOTPlus™ - Graphical display performance on your device

Edit Language Settings


The language setting allows you choose the language SHOTPlus™ will run in. The languages supported are:

  • English,
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Bahasa Indonesian
  • Standard Chinese
  • Norwegian
  • Russian


Online Services Settings

  • These program settings define the BlastIQ™ Online connection (not covered in this article)

Define Print Titles Settings

The Print titles settings allow you to define the information contained within the print title locks that print out with reports and plans.


  • Line 1:  Defaults to application name/version and the date printed. Tick custom text to type a customer print title.
  • Line 2: Defaults to the mine name from the file header. Tick custom text to type a customer print title.
  • Line 3: Defaults to blast location from file header. Tick custom text to type a customer print title.
  • Line 4: Defaults to file title/author from file header. Tick custom text to type a customer print title.
  • Line 5: Defaults to filename and revision number. Tick custom text to type a customer print title.


Defining Printing Logos Settings

  • The printing logos settings allow you to define and load two logos into the program, a main logo and a secondary logo.
  • To import them into the program, click on Clear to delete any unwanted existing logo, and then click on Load. This will allow you to select a new logo from you file manager. The program supports a number of graphic file formats. When you have located and loaded your logo image, click on OK ad the logo will be embedded in the program. It will appear on printed reports where approprate. 


Edit Report Settings

  • The program supports a large number of reports that are available for reporting and communication.
  • The reports displayed in the window are all the availabe reports on your computer and the check box can be used to enable or disable the appearance of the report on your print list that is called up whe you want to select a report for printing.
  • The User column check boxes indicate if a report is a system report (empty check box) or a user created report (ticked check box). The Culture column indicates the language in which the report is written. The description column gives a short description of each report.
  • You can delete any of the user created reports that you do not need. To do that select the reports you do not need by unticking the check boxes next to their Name and then click on Delete and OK. You are not able to delete a system report.


Edit Resources Settings

  • The Resource setting allows you to select the product region in which your country is located. To define your country, click on the down arrow next to the text field of the Product region and select your country.
  • This influences which explosives and related products will be available and visible within the program.


Edit Units Settings

  • The Units settings allow you to define whether the program will display all the weights and lengths in either metric (meters, kilograms) or imperial units (inches, feet etc). 
  • The drill angle option allows you to set the vertical drill angle convention that vertically down is either considered 0 degrees or 90 degrees.
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