Volume - Blasthole State Volume


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.14.13 (Beta) and 6.14.1 (Production).
KBA Summary:
This Knowledge Base Articles (KBA) describes the different volume states available in SHOTPlus™.


SHOTPlus™ calculates volumes on a hole-by-hole basis. Depending on the information available there are three different 'states' that SHOTPlus™ uses to describe the volume for a hole. These are:

  1. Design Volume - The volume of a hole considering it's design location and parameters.
  2. Updated Design Volume - The volume of a hole considering recorded measurements, and the intended Grade R.L. of the hole.
  3. Drilled Volume - The volume of a hole considering information recorded by a drilling machine, and the 'Drilled' length of the hole.

Hole State Volumes

Design Volume

The volume of a hole considering it's design location and parameters. Design volume aligns with BlastIQ™ Design volume.

Design Volume Formula

Design Volume = ((Hole Collar Area + Hole Toe Area)/2) x h


  • Hole Collar Area = A hole's collar area calculated from a voronoi tessellation using design collar coordinates.
  • Hole Toe Area = A hole's toe area calculated using a voronoi tessellation using design toe coordinates
  • h = Collar Z - Grade Z.
    • If Grade Z = 'null' then h = Collar Z - Toe Z.


This calculation is affected by the SHOTPlus™ Volume Calculation Mode in use. If not using 'Full Hole Voronoi' the toe area will not be calculated.

Updated Design Volume

The volume of a hole considering the hole best available available information and intended Grade R.L.. Where no measurements are recorded for a hole, the 'Updated Design' for a hole will be equal to the 'Design' volume. Unless otherwise stated 'Updated Design' volume is the default volume used by SHOTPlus™ outside the Volume Overview tool. 'Updated Design' volume aligns with BlastIQ™ Best Available Viable Volume.

Updated Design Volume Formula

Updated Design Volume = ((Hole Collar Area + Hole Toe Area)/2) x h


  • Hole Collar Area = A hole's collar area calculated from a voronoi tessellation using the best available collar coordinates.
  • Hole Toe Area = A hole's toe area calculated from a voronoi tessellation using the best available toe coordinates.
    • Best available toe coordinates calculated using:
      • best available collar coordinates.
      • best available angle and bearing.
      • the first (from top to bottom) length available out of:
        • adjusted design length
        • design length
        • drill actual length
        • measured actual length
  • h = Collar Z - Grade Z.
    • if Grade Z = 'null', then h = Collar Z - Toe Z.

Best Available

For 'Updated Design' volume calculations 'best available' is considered the first available from:

  1. Measured;
  2. Drilled; or
  3. Designed.


This calculation is affected by the SHOTPlus™ Volume Calculation Mode in use. If not using 'Full Hole Voronoi' the toe area will not be calculated.

Drilled Volume

The volume of a hole considering the drilled information. If a hole does not have Drilled information, it will not have a 'Drilled Volume'. 'Drilled Volume' is available in the Volume Overview tool. 'Drilled volume' is not available in BlastIQ™.

Drilled Volume Formula

Drilled Volume = ((Hole Collar Area + Hole Toe Area)/2) x h


  • Hole Collar Area = A hole's collar area calculated from a voronoi tessellation using the best available coordinates.
  • Hole Toe Area = A hole's toe area calculated from a voronoi tessellation using the best available toe coordinates.
    • Best available toe coordinates calculated using:
      • Best available collar coordinates
      • Best available angle and bearing
      • Drilled Length
  • h = Collar Z - (Toe Z - sub-drill)
    • If 'Include sub-drill in volume calculations' is turned on h = Collar Z - Toe Z.

Best Available

For 'Drilled' volume calculations the 'best available' is considered the first available from:

  1. Drilled; or 
  2. Designed.


This calculation is affected by the SHOTPlus™ Volume Calculation Mode in use. If not using 'Full Hole Voronoi' the toe area will not be calculated.

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