Volume Wizard


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
Production Version 6.9.3 and Above 
KBA Summary:
This Knowledge Base Article details the use of the Volume Wizard in SHOTPlus™


The volume wizard in SHOTPlus™ is designed to calculate the volume between two surfaces. 

To calculate volume for blastholes, please refer to the Volume Overview tool.


The Volume Wizard requires the following to complete a volume calculation:

  1. A Top Surface.
  2. A Bottom Surface.
  3. A Boundary Polygon.

The top and bottom surfaces must be approximately parallel to each other, and at least part of the surfaces should be within the selected boundary polygon. An example is provided below.


Volume Wizard Volume Calculation
To launch the Volume Wizard, select the Volume Wizard icon from the main toolbar.


Once launched, the Volume Wizard dialog will be shown. The Volume Wizard dialog includes:

  1. Top surface selection.
  2. Bottom surface selection.
  3. Boundary polygon selection.
  4. Surface expansion options.
  5. Information panel.


While the volume wizard dialog is active, users can interact with the main scene explorer. This allows surfaces and polygons to be selected using the drop down box in the Volume Wizard dialog or by selecting the specific window in the scene explorer using the cursor.


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