6.20.2 SHOTPlus™ Release Notes





October, 2024

Version 6.20.2 of SHOTPlus™, first offered to users on Monday, 14th October 2024.
If you wish to update to SHOTPlus™ 6.20.2, please contact BlastIQ Support or your local Orica Digital Solutions Specialist.
For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.


Product Database Migration

This update will include changes affecting backwards compatibility.

SHOTPlus™ is being migrated to the BlastIQ™ product database, where products will be managed at a site level through the BlastIQ™ admin portal. The existing infrastructure, which supported a global region-level product list, is being retired by the end of 2024.

What does this mean for all users:

  • Users will be required to log in to BlastIQ™ to select their site and load their product list.
  • During the migration period, SHOTPlus™ will prompt users to resolve product conflicts where they will select supported products to replace unsupported products.
  • There have been some changes to the user interface to facilitate these changes.

Due to the above compatibility issues it is recommended that updates of SHOTPlus™ are completed for all users, as soon as possible.

Files created in SHOTPlus™ 6.20.2 or greater will not be readable by older versions of SHOTPlus™.

Detailed information of these changes can be found in these Knowledge Base Articles: 


  1. Unsupported product names will be highlighted with a light red background and have a red cross icon.1
  2. Users must log in to BlastIQ™ to retrieve a product list.
  3. Users can locally cache a BlastIQ™ product list for use in an offline environment2.
  4. New blank files will contain only inert products (air, stemming and backfill) until a site has been set.3
  5. Users have access to a tool to resolve product conflicts within SHOTPlus™.4
  6. A new EBS Blaster Type configuration is now available for i-kon™ Digital.5
    • Hole co-ordinates will also be stored in latitude and longitude. 5
    • The "Blaster 3000    (Air)" blaster type and "i-kon loggerAir" logger type should be selected for i-kon™ Digital blasts.
    • i-kon™ Digital has the same operating constraints as i-kon™ III and logger II configurations.
    • Lead-in objects will be assigned to RDI devices and have the naming convention of "RxxBy", for example LoggerAir 1 on Blaster 1 will be R01B1.
    • SHOTPlus™ is able to read an .lgf file generated by the Digital Manager application.
    • A new layer, named "Inactive mining zones", can be used to define boundaries where no logging activity can take place.5
  7. Users are now able to import O-Pit Dev hole deviation data using the Hole Deviation tool.
  8. The Volume Wizard now allows back rows as an input for volume calculations.
  9. Users can now filter and search using EBS exceptions.
  10. SHOTPlus™ will automatically renew license activations.6
  11. Users can now enable or disable true elevation on the report from within the Profile Tool Workbox.
  12. A Blast Clearance Report is now available in the Exclusion Area Tool. Please refer to this article for more information.


    1. This will be present in a number of locations such as the hole table, loading visualisations, hole dialog boxes.
    2. To be able to access the cached list in an offline environment, users must log in to BlastIQ™ at least once prior. For more information, please refer to the "Instructions: Offline method" in this article.
    3. Users will be able to layout drill holes and create loading rules with these products. For more information on how to add BlastIQ™ products to a new file, please refer to this article.
    4. For more information about unsupported products and the product swap tool, please refer to this article.
    5. To utilise all i-kon™ Digital functionality, a WKT transform or three known points must be defined. This can be defined in Blast Properties > Site Coordinate System or synced from BlastIQ™. Refer to this article for more information.
    6. SHOTPlus™ will renew activations when users interact with BlastIQ™ including retrieving a product list from BlastIQ™, importing or exporting plans or data from BlastIQ™, managing BlastIQ™ plan notes, generating a BlastIQ™ report.


  1. Loading visualisation colours will default to BlastIQ™ display colours.1
  2. On the BlastIQ™ Report, the firing date now includes the firing time and time zone.
  3. The Time Envelope report now includes the scaling law parameters.
  4. The Print Preview tool for reports has been updated.
  5. The list of products available for "Loading Visualisation" in Blast Settings now reflects the product list available on the selected BlastIQ™ site.
  6. Where mean delays are not available, SHOTPlus™ will use the nominal delay time for scatter calculations.
  7. Logic for matching hole IDs has been improved.2
  8. Users can now print Profile reports with the grid displayed from the Profile Tool Workbox.


    1. Users can toggle between BlastIQ™ colours or a custom colour palette for loading visualisations in the "Loading visualisation options" menu in "Blast Properties".
    2. Where hole UIDs are available, SHOTPlus™ uses these to match data from BlastIQ™ to holes in SHOTPlus™. Where they are not available, SHOTPlus™ will match based on hole name. If neither are available, SHOTPlus™ creates a new hole.


  1. Initiator length was not applying properly after using the product swap tool.
  2. In some cases, valid BlastIQ™ products were displaying as unsupported products.
  3. Profile loading rules were not being processed by the product swap tool.
  4. Editing profile loading rules were causing an error.
  5. For some users, opening the hole table was causing an error.
  6. Importing gamma data was overwriting existing MWD data from holes.
  7. When importing a .IKN file, SHOTPlus™ was not importing some holes with hole angles close to 360°.
  8. Unable to re-open the hole visualisation in the hole table.
  9. Some reports were incorrectly reporting actual decks.
  10. The Text Import tool ignores blank lines.
  11. An error was triggered when using "Edit deck measurements".
  12. Users were able to specify wet sides lengths greater than the length of the hole.
  13. A rounding mismatch was preventing profile loading rules from being exported to BlastIQ™.
  14. The EBS Timing Line was overwriting timing in other strata.
  15. Hole that were not associated with a row were not being sorted properly.
  16. Some data was missing from the Profile Tool report.
  17. Group by functionality deprecated for Hole Tolerances.
  18. Loading factor was not persisting when applying loading using the "Add Hole" or "Add Rows" tool.
  19. Harness path line weights were not printing correctly.
  20. When using the Standard Pattern tool, holes were being applied outside the selected polygon boundary.
  21. In Calculations > Quantities, the actual booster count was incorrect.
  22. Profile charging rule logic was not applying as expected for the upper range limit.
  23. When using "Add holes between lines", user-defined toe spacing is applied.


  1. The "Read fresh data from database" in Tools > Products has been removed.
  2. "Load scheme" and "Save scheme" have been removed from the product list dialog box. 
  3. SHOTPlus™ display colours for loading visualisations have been deprecated. 1
  4. The "Extras" resource category has been deprecated.


    1. Users can select from BlastIQ™ colours or create a custom colour palette for loading visualisations
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