SHOTPlus™ Release Notes 6.0.012- -





Release notes for SHOTPlus™ version - For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via 

Released 8th July 2020

New Feature

Hole Loading Tool - Now displays Design, Updated Design & Actual Loading diagrams

New Exceptions Views;

  • Hole Depth
  • BlastIQ hole states
  • Diameter
  • Drill to method
  • Bearing
  • Collar/Toe - Design vs Actual variance

Surfaces - Ability to create grade, design, dipped & drilled surfaces from the visibility manager

A solid representation of coal between intercepts is now able to be displayed in the 3D or section views 

Ability to set the first intercept for multiple selected holes

BlastIQ Upload - Enabled the ability to upload blasts containing up to 24 intercepts

Ability to select holes containing specific horizons from the Filter & Search dialogue box  


Initiation Rules - New “No Horizons” rule for holes containing no intercepts.

Drill Depth Upload - Design coordinates are now inferred as actuals when only drill depth is available to ensure compatibility with the BlastIQ system

Text Import - Drill Data Acknowledgement when importing incomplete drill data

Toe coordinates and EBS delays are now available to the Report manager

Filter & Search - Hole States - Updated hole to include BlastIQ hole states

Included user defined delays in SHOTPlus Standard

Exceptions view legend is now a fixed size

Temperature is now supported by BlastIQ for upload & download

Mark Out Tool - Toe, at distance and collar boundaries are now distinct colours for easier identification

Hole Profile tool - Now stays on top of open windows within SHOTPlus when a hole is selected

Initiations rules - in some instances the second charge within the same horizon was not being recognised

Charge Track - Stemming is now shown as part of the charge track

BlastIQ - Prevents upload for timestamps more than 30 days old

Changed the title of the “Edit design range” dialog to “Add range” in for initiation rules

Design Loading - loading rules now apply to the design upon first actual value update.

BlastIQ Export - SHOTPlus file now auto saves after completion of upload to ensure system ID’s are saved

DeviGyro & DeviShot - File naming & import improvements

Strata definition rule colours are now displayed on the profile trace for the hole table and loading tool

Strata Intercepts - number of available intercepts increased to 24 (requires extension key)

Surface Expansion - Intercepts are now not assigned to holes that have a profile trace containing no intercepts

Improved responsiveness when deleting holes or using timing tools

Hole profile tool - Intercept values can now be edited including negative values.

Boretrack wizard updated to support the modified Carlson format

Added new option (blast properties > loading chart) to choose loading chart font size for printed reports

Right click option to set the horizon for multiple holes (only applies to holes with no horizon).

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Initiation Rules - Duplicate rule issue

Actual depth - Formatting issue when using a comma

Initiation rules were not applying correctly when all hole types were used

BlastIQ Import - Actuals with only drill depth were displaying incorrect actual loading values

Exception error when opening the hole table

EBS tools were not included by default in SHOTPlus Standard

BlastIQ Quarry upload error

BlastIQ Quarry - Quota exceeded exception error upon download

BlastIQ upload - material type for rules was being incorrectly sent as a numerical value

Incorrect calculated excavated volume for fast reports

Added 'Loading Comments' to Report data, and updated RPTHole.DipHistory.SetBy data source.

Name of the primer in the “edit design range” dialog required resizing

Design tracks were not updating after applying a new angle and/or bearing

Text Export - Deck order was being incorrectly exported

Exception error - column visibility

Exception error - file already open in excel

Hole Volumes - Collar to toe hole volumes were not being included in the calculations

Hole profile tool - not refreshing when changing intercepts

Hole Profile tool - unable to clear intercepts for holes containing only 1 intercept

Text Import - Actual deck weight was not populating correctly in some instances

BlastIQ export - Intercept validation error

Hole profile tool - Tool was not closing correctly in some instances

Hole Profile tool - Rules were incorrectly applying under the profile trace

DXF Import - layer colours were not being correctly recognised

BlastIQ export - System library error upon export

Incorrect air deck included in actual loading

Rock index value was being incorrectly handled when in imperial units

BlastIQ upload - Exception error when using a sub string rule condition

Loading rules - Unhandled exception when adding the 24th intercept

Loading Tool - Drawing error when using 24 Intercepts

Initiation rules - Horizon 13 and above not available when using 24 intercepts

Exception error when opening the tables from within the rules

Loading tables were disabled when only 1 deck was present in the load rule

Some strata surfaces were being assigned to the incorrect layer

Text boxes were showing as solid black

Amount of water was not being sent if the water value was less than the wet state tolerance

Hole profile logging tool - Manual setting of intercepts was not being saved

Charge track was not being drawn for some holes

EBS Timing Tool - Row set - Ctrl click option was incorrectly setting the EBS hole time

Initiation Rules - First detonator in the list was not able to be selected

Hole Profile Tool - Manual editing of intercept values were incorrectly updating the preceding intercept

Drill to surface - Some holes were not drilling to the assigned surface

Holes with no temperature were incorrectly being assigned a -300 value.  


Updated WebGen™ specifications

Added a Design Volume and Actual Volume to the Hole record

Help center link under <Help updated to link to the new help center page


Minimum Ivanti Global Whitelist policy

How to check installed Ivanti Global Whitelist policy version

Released 20th July 2020

New Feature

New BlastIQ export options;

  • Export all BlastIQ values by the blast for hole or deck measurements


  • Export hole or deck measurements for an individual hole


Set the site & available resources for the blast plan via the BlastIQ menu




 New exceptions view - Drilling variance by elevation for both collar and toe


Limited the selection of WebGen products to only those applicable to the version being used

Hole History - Equipment field added to the hole history

Exceptions View - Drill variance - Design collar now displayed against the actual collar

Filter & Search - Added a new search for holes added by BlastIQ 

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Amount of water was not being sent correctly to BlastIQ once water had been cleared

DXF import error

Setting wet hole unknown amount was unavailable for multiple selected holes

Slow responsiveness when completing initiation tie ups

Logged i-kon detonator ID’s were being incorrectly removed when importing blast data from BlastIQ

Exceptions View - Drill variance was not being calculated correctly

Incorrect length was being used to draw the drill track

Hole diagram - Hole Table - Initiation text was overlapping in some instances

BlastIQ import - Added holes in the system were being imported incorrectly


Implemented authentication capability for internal users

Planned release 17th August 2020

New Feature

BlastIQ - Added the ability from within SHOTPlus to set information for;

Blast Tags

Blast KPI’s

Fire / Unfire a blast

Delete / Undelete a blast


The tags and KPIs will be reported in the new BlastIQ Insights releasing Q4 2020 and will not be shown in the current BlastIQ Insights.

Import - Added ability to import Lidar files in a .las format




Volume overview - Improved logic & performance for stab holes

Exceptions view - Show collars only option reinstated

Section tool - Current zoom is now persisted when switching rows

BlastIQ Export - Fired blasts are now included when determining existing blasts within the system

Clear actuals - Ability to select what actual values to clear


Exceptions view - Temperature - x axis was not being displayed when greater than 3 temp values existed

Fast Report - Blast quantity usage summary report updated to include design & actual values for volume & powder factor

Hole Types - Number of available hole types increased from 8 to 12


Intercepts - 12 intercepts are now available by default (6 intercepts previously)

EBS Tools - EBS hole time label in the visibility manager is now automatically activated when using the EBS time set tools

Edit hole - EBS offsets - EBS offset button is now inactive when editing a single hole (offsets can be edited via edit loading)

Edit hole - EBS offsets - Added new warning when editing offsets for multiple holes

BlastIQ export - Holes containing temperature values now get marked as truncate (rules will not reapply in the field)

Surface manager now displays the grade point name (if used) next to the registered surface


Surfaces - Default draw order updated to allow text to show in front of surfaces

Initiation Tie up - Improved responsiveness when tying up

Edit Loading - group edit - Added warning when editing loading for a group of selected holes

Hole Powder factor calculation improved to use the updated design volume

Hole ID - Underscore ( _ )  is now supported for hole ID

Volume calculation - Improved performance

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Manually added detonators were not getting an offset applied

Hole track drawing error when using a grade point as drill to method

BlastIQ export - reinstated warning when exporting rules with unsupported rule conditions

BlastIQ import - exception error for holes with null hole type or material type

Incorrect display of coal in some horizons

Visibility manager - Hole track options were not refreshing when activated

3D tools - Slow responsiveness

Slow responsiveness when using some tie tools / user defined delays

Incorrect warning message displayed when exporting with no rules

i-kon det ID’s duplicated group editing holes

Incorrect drawing of coal

Boretrak Import - Carlson format was not being read correctly

Exception Error - Item with same key has already been added

Exceptions view - Hole Proximity - Some text was being obscured

i-kon exceptions – Some recorded exceptions were not visible

EBS Tools - material boundary - some holes outside the material boundary were incorrectly recognised

Hole profile logging tool - Apply all was not applying to current selected hole

Hole profile logging tool - Multiple profile traces were unable to be viewed simultaneously

Loading Rules – Empty / Apply was not refreshing the charge track for some views

Pan Tool - Hole text was not reappearing after the completion of panning


Added PF design & PF actual to the RPTBlastSummary

Hot Fix Release

Released 9th September 2020


Bug Fix

Fixed issue with;

 Text Import - Some import values were not triggering a refresh

Released 30th September 2020

New Feature

Initiation rules now have a rule number associated with each rule.


The initiation rule number is now displayed in brackets [  ] after the loading rule on hole diagrams. If multiple initiation rules have been applied these will be displayed in charge order.


BlastIQ - Added the ability to move holes to another plan


Hole Volumes are now accessed via a separate tool with a new icon on the toolbar


For loading & initiation rules individual or groups of holes can now be set to ignore intercepts above a specified intercept.


Actual volume has now been renamed to Drilled volume.

BlastIQ Export - Improved error message when attempting to export a plan containing holes with no Hole ID

Imported dxf's with grouped points can now be used to register a surface

Backfill / Redrill - Updated logic is now applied when the actual collar / toe coordinates are known

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Slow responsiveness when a hole on the plan view was moved

BlastIQ Blast Properties - Exception error when no tags or kpi’s were defined

BlastIQ Drill Data Import - Incorrect drawing of the drilled collar after importing from BlastIQ

BlastIQ Drill Data Import - Manually timed holes were incorrectly updating in some instances after import of drill data

Text Importer - Exception error when changing field type group

Surface Manager - Freezing when importing a dxf immediately after registering a previous dxf

Text Importer would incorrectly reset the view (scroll back to the first column) after assigning a previous column

Quantities were not updating when reloading holes in some instances

BlastIQ Blast Properties - KPI fields were not sized correctly

Exceptions View - Temperature - History Graph was not displaying the date when mulltiple values for the same day existed

BlastIQ Import - Import into a blank file was missing design data

Exceptions View - Collar Variance (elev) was not working correctly in some instances

BlastIQ Import - Importing length values into a plan that contained drill data (drill data not uploaded to BlastIQ) resulted in incorrect calculations.

Text Import - Importing of actual collars was not recalculating intercepts

Exception Error when opening file

Profile Logging Tool - Multiple profile traces were not displaying

Add Row - Assume wet exception error

BlastIQ Blast Properties - Exception error

Initiation Rules - A new initiation product was not selectable

Initiation rules - EBS offset times were not reapplying in some instances

Change of drill bench surface was not recalculating strata intercepts

initiation rules - Duplicate ranges were able to be created

BlastIQ Export – Duplicate Blast ID incorrectly triggering


Updated report to include Handidets

Released  13th October 2020

New Feature

Added extended firing data with cosines


When snapping a design collar to a surveyed surface the hole state now remains as designed

New Short cut keys

  • ESC - Close all open tools
  • Backspace - Undo last action

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Backfill was incorreclty updating when drill to RL was used 

Surface recalculated warning was incorrectly being triggered

BlastIQ - Move holes between plans exception error

PPV Time envelope - Graph was displaying the incorrect units

Initiation Rules - Incorrect prevention of overlapping ranges

Logger Import - Missing det when re-exporting

24 Intercepts - Loading rule tables were not showing tabs for intercepts >12


Updated external API
Released 14th October 2020

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

[SP6-769] - Tube Wastage - Updated percentage format sent to BlastIQ
Released 14th October 2020

Planned release 5th November 2020

New Feature

Ability to import .obj files

Text Import - Ability to import redrill holes


Added extended firing data with Cosines

Improved performance when the file contains many layers

Boretrak Wizard - Holes lists are now ordered 

Filter & Search - Added the ability to search for holes containing no initiators

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Loader Exception

Loading rule names containing a dash (-) where being incorrectly truncated

Snap to functionality was behaving erratically in some instances

Rules tester was only accessing 8 of 12 holes types

Reapply Loading Rules - A change of material type or hole type was not triggering the reapply rules function when group select was used

Template was incorrectly labelled as SP5 instead of SP6

Create contours - Contours where not being correctly created


Drill Data -complete chronological order validation

Migrated existing SHOTPlus 5 WebGen functionality to SHOTPlus 6

Prevent duplicate drill data being sent to BlastIQ

BlastIQ Import - Validate response code success

Released 16th November 2020


Hole Table - Added Hole Type & Material type drop down menus

Text Import - Import loading - Minimum fields for import are now enforced

Bug Fixes

Fixed issues with;

Error (error 400) when exporting with tolerances

IREDES File Import - File import error

Drill to fixed length - Incorrect backfill calculation


Prevent export of duplicate hole measurements to BlastIQ

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