Integration flows using Tags and Blast KPIs

Tags and KPIs are types of site configurable data that can be added to a plan, this article provides some guidance and suggestions for integrating other systems to BlastIQ tags and KPIs using the BlastIQ Public API. The Public API documentation can be found here:


Tags are a site configurable set of labels that can be added to a plan, these can be used by integrating systems to categorise and sort plans which may be beneficial for various purposes as part of a drill and blast workflow. Here are some examples to provide some ideas:

Release for drilling example

  1. Add a tag category called "Drilling Release" with tag values such as "not released for drilling", "released for drilling" and "abandoned".

  2. A new plan will not have any tag values, the Engineer can use SHOTPlus to add the tag "released for drilling" when they wish the plan to be drilled.

  3. A drilling integration could be built by the customer or drill system vendor to:
    1. Retrieve the list of recently modified plans
    2. Check the plan tags for recently modified plans
    3. Filter and forward those plans with the tag "released for drilling" to the drill system.

Fleet Management Example

  1. Add a tag category called "Blast Type" with the options "Ore", "Overburden", "Pre-strip" and another called "Shovel" with the options "Shovel 1", "Shovel 2" and "Excavator 1".

  2. In SHOTPlus the engineer can select the blast type tags to assign to each new blast that is created

  3. The Fleet Management integration can use the blast type to tag each blast that it receives with the correct blast type for enhanced reporting and planning

  4. After the blast has been excavated the fleet management integration can set the tag value for Shovel with the appropriate tags to indicate which equipment was used to excavate the blast, this can allow more detailed analysis of blast performance and productivity in BlastIQ


A KPI is a site configurable value that can be set for each plan, these can be used by integrating systems to aid blast performance and productivity analysis.

Fleet Management Example

  1. Following from the fleet management example above, add KPIs for "Shovel 1 Average Dig Rate", "Shovel 2 Average Dig Rate" and "Excavator 1 Average Dig Rate"

  2. As the blast is excavated the Fleet Management integration can set and update the average dig rate for any piece of equipment working on the blast, this might be pushed hourly or daily

  3. In BlastIQ the user can then use this information to monitor and improve blast performance

Environmental Management System Example

  1. Create a KPI called "Boundary Vibration PPV", "Office Dust Reading"

  2. An environmental management system integration could be configured to read the latest plan changes from BlastIQ for fired plans and use this information to identify all blast events that occur on the site

  3. When a blast event has occured, the environmental management system integration can identify and send a corresponding monitoring result to BlastIQ as KPI values for each of the relevant environmental readings such as vibration and dust. This can help BlastIQ users to monitor and improve blast performance, particularly if they correlate that data with BlastIQ predictive modelling.
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