Hole Table


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.9.3 and above
KBA Summary:
Changes have been introduced for the hole table to include more comprehensive information around loading (including stemming decks), design vs actual, hole histories, and easier selection of information to display.

What's in this article?

  1. Hole Table
  2. Column Visibility
  3. Design vs Actual
  4. Hole History

Hole Table

The Hole Table in SHOTPlus™ gives users a tabular breakdown of blasthole parameters, including design information, drilling measurements, and loading measurements.

To access the Hole Table:

  1. Select the Hole Table Icon from the SHOTPlus™ toolbar.


If the Hole Table icon is not visible:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the SHOTPlus™ toolbar.
  2. Select 'Customize'.


  1. From the Toolbars tab of the Customization dialog ensure 'Blast Management Tools' is selected.

Column Visibility

  • Column visibility is accessed by clicking on the settings icon within the hole table.


  • Columns are divided into 3 sections, Hole data, Hole measures, and Hole loading.

mceclip1.png mceclip2.pngmceclip3.png

  • Select the columns you would like to have visible in the hole table in each of these sections, or alternatively, you can select the "All" option at the top of the dialogue box.


  • Click OK.
  • To view the selected columns from each section, select the appropriate section along the bottom of the data window. More than one section can be made visible at a time. To turn the selected section off, click on the section button again.


  • Actual data can be displayed by selecting the Show actuals option


  • The view can also be modified to display all holes in the pattern, selected holes (if you have selected a number of holes in the main window or within the hole table), visible holes in the pattern (if you are using different hole types or material types and have holes hidden through the visibility manager).


  • The information from the hole table can be exported directly from the table itself. The export feature will export all data from the columns that are visible. It can be exported as a text file or an Excel spreadsheet. You will have the option to select for all rows or selected rows only when you have selected the type of export you want. 



Design vs Actual

For a selected hole, there is the ability to view the design, the updated design based on field measurements and data, and actual loading data. 

  • When a hole has only design information associated, only the design view is available when the hole is selected in the hole table. 


  • As dipping/measured data is imported from the BlastIQ platform, an updated design becomes available. The updated design is the design that is triggered through the loading rules adjustments in response to the field conditions for that hole. The option to view the original design is also available, and selecting this will allow you to toggle between design and an updated design.


  • As actual loading data becomes available, an actual diagram is displayed in this window. A comparison is shown of the updated loading design and the actual by default, however, there is still the option to view the original design compared to actual loaded information by selecting the show design option (which again toggles between the design loading and the updated design).



Hole History

Within the BlastIQ platform, a history is kept of all measurements associated with a blast hole. All measurements are time-stamped and include the username associated with the measurement.

  • The history of a hole can be accessed by clicking on the history button (this will display the history for one selected hole in the table). Please note, that the history is stored within the platform, and therefore it is necessary to be connected to the internet to be able to access this information as it is not stored locally within the SHOTPlus file.


  • The Hole history is shown in the table, including the time stamp, the value, the device name and the username.


  • Detailed deck history can be accessed by clicking the update button.



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