Orica released an update to BlastIQ Mobile on Tuesday 8th October 2019 (v1.3.3555).
A notification will appear in the BlastIQ Mobile app on start-up once the update is available. We hope this will enable customers to perform the update without assistance from the specialist.
Please note the following features are not compatible with the current version of the BlastIQ Enabled MMU:
- Removing a deck
- Inserting a deck
- Setting final stemming length
- Marking a deck as loaded not measured
- Marking a hole as not drilled
For further information on an update to the software, please contact the Support Team at blastiqsupport@orica.com or via the web support.blastiq.com.
Features included in the October release
Actual Hole Diagram:
- A diagram on the actual side of the charging panel has been included
Edit and Delete Users:
- Per device, users can now be edited or deleted without requiring the need to rebuild the software,
Select Equipment:
- When logging into BlastIQ Mobile, users will be able to select an item of equipment.
Mark A Hole As Not Drilled:
- A hole can now be marked as not drilled. The status will populate through the system
Display If Holes are Overloaded/Under loaded :
- A trigger value of 10% has been set for overloaded and underloaded decks.
Remove A Deck:
- Remove a deck from the actual side of the charging panel.
Insert A Deck:
- Insert a deck on the actual side of the charging panel.
Mark A Deck As Loaded Not Measured:
- Mark a deck as loaded but not measured for the inert decks only, eg for sites that want to record final stemming deck was completed but did not measure the final deck.
Record A Length for Top Stemming Deck:
- Instead of having to record a horizon value of 0.0, the support for recording a length for the top stemming deck has been introduced.
Other Improvements/Changes:
- Updates to Portuguese, Russian and French translations
- Update to Map translations
- Inclusion of backfill and redrill holes in the dipped count for blast progress
- Updated north indicator on the map
- Improvements to clear search functionality when filters applied
- Additional pre-defined comment for extra primer
- Allow usernames to begin with a letter or number
- Holes created on the device cannot be deleted while they have actual values for loading collected against them - holes must be cleared of these values before the delete functionality will be available.
- Add deck will be disabled when a hole is in the stemmed state
- Editing of the deck horizon will be disabled when the hole is in the stemmed state
- Option to build the device for all time or 60 days (note build time or performance will be impacted by selecting all time)
- Option to auto-hide unfired blasts older than 60 days (note selecting to not auto-hide blasts could have an impact on device performance)
Please see theese detailed release notes for more information