Hole Proximity View


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.0.0 and above
KBA Summary:
This Knowledge Base Article describes how to view holes within a defined proximity in SHOTPlus™.


SHOTPlus™ enables users to quickly identify drill holes that are within a defined proximity.


1. Under the View menu, select Analytics View or press Ctrl + Shift +E

2. In the Analytics view, from the options list, select Drilling.

3. Then select Hole Proximity and

4. Set the proximity threshold using the Threshold text box either by typing in a value or using the up and down arrows.

From there all holes that trigger that value set in the threshold box will be highlighted on the plan. 

The number of exceptions for this proximity threshold will be displayed on the screen.


5. The Hole measurement tool can then be used to view the highlighted blast holes to assess the distance between them.This tool is accessible for both design and actual drill data.


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