Tools - Delete holes outside a polygon


SHOTPlus™ Variant:
6.8.1 and above
KBA Summary:
This Knowledge base article describes how users can delete holes outside of a polygon entity.


Blastholes outside of a polygon entity can be deleted in two ways in SHOTPlus.

Delete All Holes Outside of a Polygon

To delete all blastholes outside of a polygon:

  1. Draw a polygon, or select an existing polygon, that encompases the holes that are not to be deleted.
  2. Select the polygon so that the grips are highlighted in orange (locked layers) or black (unlocked layers).


  1. Select to ToolsHolesDelete Holes Outside Polygon.


  1. Holes that are visible (as set by the visibility and layer managers) and located outside the polygon will be deleted.


Delete Selected Holes Outside of a Polygon

To delete selected holes outside of a polygon:

  1. Draw a polygon, or select an existing polygon, that encompases the holes that are not to be deleted.
  2. Select the polygon so that the grips are highlighted in orange (locked layers) or black (unlocked layers).


  1. Expand the Filter and Search window.
  2. Expand the Search tree.
  3. Select Within selected polys.
  4. Select Select - the holes inside of the selected polygon will be selected.
  5. Select Invert - the holes outside of the selected polygon will be selected.
  6. Select Filter selected - the holes inside the selected polygon will be filtered and the holes outside of the polygon will remain selected.


  1. While holding down Ctrl use the mouse to deselect any blastholes outside of the polygon that should not be deleted.


  1. Once complete, press Delete or right-click and select Delete.
  2. Remove the filter by selecting the Filter selected holes button from the main toolbar.


  1. Holes inside the original polygon, and any holes deselected will remain.


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