BlastIQ™ Mobile Release 1.21.188


BlastIQ Mobile

5th April 2024

Version 1.21.188  will be offered to users in April 2024. A notification will appear in BlastIQ Mobile on start-up once the update is available. We hope this will enable customers to perform the update without assistance from the specialist. 
For further information on an update to the software, please contact the Support Team at or via web


  1. Expiring Plans. Read more here.
    • In the event of plan expiration, firing or deletion whilst a user is within a plan, users are redirected to the drill plan list.



  1. The maximum diameter has been adjusted to 1100mm, applicable only to Underground sites.MaxDiameter.png
  2. Temperature measurements are now allowed when the only loaded products are inert.  
  3. Data Integrity Enhancements:
    • Changes to prevent posting of duplicate drill data.
    • Changes to prevent posting of empty comments. The OK button is disabled when the text field is empty.
  4. For the backfill deck, only stemming products are available for selection.
  5. Updated the time display:
    • From: "am | pm"
    • To:     "AM | PM"
  6. Pre-defined comments have been added to the hole notes for Underground site.


  1. In underground, when a hole was updated i.e. add length, the design deck product information was lost.
  2. Newly loaded products in underground were not displaying in the delivery summary.
  3. When "Enable first intercept capture" is turned off, the option to capture first intercept in drill actuals was still visible.
  4. Naming of Backfill Required (Drilled) and Redrill Required (Drilled).
  5. Backfill Required (Drilled) and Redrill Required (Drilled) holes where not displaying on the measurements map when the corresponding filters were applied.
  6. Angle or bearing were displayed as "--" when recorded as zero in drill actuals.
  7. Handling errors when duplicate actions are performed. Example, Clearing already cleared decks, deleting already deleted accessories.
  8. Stability issue fixed.
    • Switching between plans sometimes caused the hole list to not render.
  9. In Open cut the app crashes when filtering a potential misfire on the map view.
  10. In underground, a black tick icon appears when pressing Yes or No button for the breakthrough and wet.
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