6.15.2 SHOTPlus™ Release Notes





August, 2023

Version 6.15.2 of SHOTPlus™, first offered to users on Tuesday, 8th August 2023.
A notification will appear on start-up in SHOTPlus™ once the update is available.
For further information on updating the SHOTPlus™, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.


  Wet Hole Charging Rules

An inconsistency between SHOTPlus™ and BlastIQ™ with regards to the handling of 'Wet States' for the application of 'Wet' Charging Rules has been identified. Users should be aware of the following:

When using Graphical Charging Rules in SHOTPlus™, holes are considered 'Wet' for the application of Wet Charging Rules when the measured amount of water exceeds the 'Wet State' tolerance for the particular Hole Type. However, once charging rules are exported to BlastIQ™ a hole is considered wet when the measured amount of water is > 0.

This inconsistency will be rectified in upcoming releases of SHOTPlus™ and BlastIQ™ Mobile. Until rectified, SHOTPlus™ will display a warning message when exporting to BlastIQ™ with rules that may be affected by this inconsistency.

This inconsistency does not impact users who are using traditional charging rules.


  1. Detailed report which can be generated from the Time Envelope tool which includes:
    1. Time Window used.
    2. Distance to blast centriod from each monitoring point.
    3. Maximum Instantaneous Charge (MIC) for each monitoring point.
    4. MIC and Air Velocity for each monitoring point.
    5. Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) for each monitoring point.
  2. Added the ability to set the 'Slice Direction' for holes to the bearing where the minimum perpendicular burden exists via the 'Profile Wizard'.


  1. When using the measurement tool in secondary windows, the dimensions dialog now appears to give context around measurements.
  2. The last five 'Tools' commands have been added to the right-click menu.
  3. Sections of the Exclusion Area Tool are now collapsible to maximise the amount of visible screen area when using the tool.
  4. Undo stack updated to allow up to 100 individual undos, or up to 100 MB of data.
  5. Using the 'H' and 'V' keys when drawing a lasso now results in horizontal and vertical lines respectively.
  6. Extended firing data with cosines can now be exported in imperial units where SHOTPlus™ display is set to 'Imperial'.
  7. The following have been deprecated from individual charging rules:
    1. Horizon Tolerances.
    2. Weight Tolerances.
    3. Maximum Weight.
  8. Volume Calculation Mode now adjusted via icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the SHOTPlus™ status bar.1


    1. For information on Volume Calculation Modes, see the Knowledge Base Article, here.


    1. Manually loading adjustments were not being saved when applied via the 'Edit Hole' dialog.
    2. Adjustments to hole bearing were not affecting 'Slice Direction' resulting in the incorrect burden being calculated in the 'Profile Wizard'.
    3. Moving holes between BlastIQ™ plans where KPIs or Tags were not present was resulting in a 'Server not available' message which was preventing users from moving holes between plans.
    4. Temperature measurements importing via the 'Text Importer' were not being saved with the SHOTPlus™ file.
    5. 'Filter and Search' was not correctly filtering holes with a measured temperature.
    6. Generating certain Reports was resulting in an error message.
    7. Deleting holes with WebGen™ encoder links was resulting in an unhandled exception.
    8. The reference of the applied Charging and Initiation Rule were not being updated in the Edit Hole Dialog when loading was adjusted.
    9. Extra detonators included in LGF files were not being importing into SHOTPlus™ in all situations.
    10. Graphical Charging Rules were displaying incorrectly in certain situations.
    11. SHOTPlus™ was incorrectly adjusting charging rule deck lengths when exporting to BlastIQ™ in certain situations.
    12. Users were not able to select the correct point on polylines or polygons when editing.
    13. Users were experiencing an error when updating hole design data where holes were created in a template.
    14. 'Move holes to selected points' tool was not moving holes.
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