- Release Date:
- 4th May 2023
- KBA Summary:
- This Knowledge Base Article describes the functionality of the Regression Analysis (multi-blast) Dashboard in BlastIQ™ Insights.
Availability: This Dashboard is not supplied as part of the standard BlastIQTM Blast Control offering, nor is it provided as part of the standard FRAGTrackTM measurement solution offering. It is supplied as an optional purchased add-on to the standard BlastIQTM Blast Control offering.
BlastIQ™ Insights enables users to select and compare multiple blasts based on their blasting metrics such as Powder Factor, Energy Factor, Fragmentation, Dig Rate, etc. The dashboard provides various visualizations such as scatter plots, regression lines, summary bar charts, and summary statistics tables to help users analyze and compare the performance measures of the selected blasts. This can provide valuable insights into the blasting operations, help identify potential areas for improvement, and optimize the overall performance.
This is the multiple blast version of the Regression Analysis dashboard. For more information on calculations read more here.
To navigate to the Regression Analysis (multi-blast) dashboard:
- From the BlastIQ™ Insights toolbar, select Dashboards.
- From the Dashboards menu, expand Blast Analysis and select Regression Analysis (multi-blast).
The following information is shown on the Regression Analysis (multi-blast) Dashboard:
- Map displays.
- Map legends.
- Variable 1 selection drop-down menu.
- Sub variable 1 selection drop-down menu (hidden by default and will be visible based on the Variable 1 selection).
- Variable 2 selection drop-down menu.
- Sub variable 2 selection drop-down menu (hidden by default and will be visible based on the Variable 2 selection).
- Blast selection drop-down menu.
- Map view.
- Regression Plots.
- Summary Bar Chart.
- Summary Statistics Table.
Comprehensive information provided in each section.
- Map displays feature allows for the selection of different map background tiles, including Light, Dark, Street, Outdoor and Satellite (which is pre-selected by default).
- Map legends feature is utilized to explain the colour fill utilized within the blast polygons that are shown on the map. It additionally exhibits both the title and the contents of the legend. The legend title is "Has Sufficient Data for Regression Analysis," and its content is represented by the colours green for "True" and grey for "False."
- Variable 1 selection drop-down menu is employed to compare the chosen blasts based on the selected variable, which could be for example: Powder Factor, Energy Factor, Instantaneous Dig Rate, or Fragmentation.
- Sub variable 1 selection drop-down menu is not visible by default. It only becomes visible when a variable requiring a sub-variable is selected. For instance, if Instantaneous Dig Rate or Fragmentation is selected as Variable 1, a sub-variable will be required and the sub-variable 1 selection dropdown menu will become visible.
- Variable 2 selection drop-down menu is used to compare the chosen blasts based on the selected variable, which could be Powder Factor, Energy Factor, Instantaneous Dig Rate, or Fragmentation.
- Variable 2 selection drop-down menu is not visible by default. It only becomes visible when a variable requiring a sub-variable is selected. For instance, if Instantaneous Dig Rate or Fragmentation is selected as Variable 2, a sub-variable will be required and the sub-variable 2 selection dropdown menu will become visible.
Blast selection drop-down menu is utilized to enable users to select two or more available blast plans for analysis.
- The blasts will be displayed in the Blast Selection dropdown menu in a list that is sorted first by firing date, with the most recent blast appearing at the top, followed by the Blast Name.
- It is important to note that only the blasts that have been "fired" within BlastIQ™ Insights are available for selection and display within the Regression Analysis Dashboard. Unfired blasts cannot be selected in this dashboard. If a particular blast is not visible in the Blast Selection dropdown menu, the user should check its "fired" status on the Blast Management page within BlastIQ™ Insights and set it accordingly.
Map view exhibits the blast polygons for each of the selected blast plans, with each polygon outlined by a black polyline and filled with either grey or green colour. When the user hovers the mouse over a blast polygon, information such as Blast Name, Variable 1, and Variable 2 are displayed.
Grey Fill
- The grey fill colour indicates that the blast has insufficient data to enable regression analysis, or that the blast has data for only one or less blasting variables available (e.g., zero variables). When a blast has only Powder Factor and Energy Factor available, these variables are treated as a single variable, and the blast is displayed with grey fill.
Green Fill
- The green fill colour indicates that the blast has sufficient data to enable regression analysis, and the blast has data available for two or more blasting variables.
Grey Fill
Regression Plots require a minimum of three sample points to determine linear regression, although having more sample points is generally better for accuracy and reliability. Read more about Regression Plot under Interpretation section.
- The Scatter Plot displays the aggregated data for each of the selected blast plans, with the x-axis representing the selected 'Variable 1' and the y-axis representing the selected 'Variable 2'. The data displayed is in the form of a scatter plot.
The Legend for the Scatter Plot is as follows:
- Dot: represents a blast
- Solid black line: represents the linear regression line (y = mx + c)
- Solid orange line: represents the 95% Confidence Region
- Dashed black line: represents the 95% Prediction Band
- The title for the Scatter Plot is "Linear Regression Analysis of Blast Related Continuous Variables".
When the user hovers over the Scatter Plot, the following plot controls are enabled:
- Download plots as PNG
- Zoom
- Pan
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Reset Axes
To learn more about how to use these plot controls, the user can refer to the Information section (Listed sub-section details).
When the user hovers over a blast sample point on the Scatter Plot, the following information is displayed:
- Blast plan Name (e.g. Blast: MASS_0910_002)
- Variable 1 (e.g. Energy Factor: 1.78 MJ/bcm)
- Variable 2 (e.g. P80: 0.344 m)
Summary Bar Chart displays any number of selected blast plans grouped by blast plan. Each selected blasting variable is displayed on a separate y-axis, with the primary y-axis showing Variable 1 and the secondary y-axis showing Variable 2. Blast plan groups are displayed from left to right on the x-axis and sorted by Variable 1 in ascending order. For example, if multiple blasts are selected, the display will show the blast with the highest Variable 1 value on the far left and the blast with the lowest Variable 1 value on the far right.
On hover, the chart displays the blast plan name and the variable value.
- Summary Statistics Table is designed to display a summary of the aggregated selected variable data for the selected blasts. The table highlights the most important information by displaying the aggregated values in bold. This formatting technique makes it easier for users to quickly identify the most significant information and make informed decisions based on the data presented.