6.13.1 SHOTPlus™ Release Notes





March, 2023

Version 6.13.1 of SHOTPlus™ Production, first offered to users on Thursday 16th March 2023.
A notification will appear on start-up in SHOTPlus™ Production once the update is available. 
For further information on updating the SHOTPlus™, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.


This notification is relevant to upcoming changes in SHOTPlus™. The changes will take place in these future releases:

  1. SHOTPlus™ Beta version 6.14.1
  2. SHOTPlus™ Production version 6.14.1 

SHOTPlus™ has recently undergone a refactor of it’s blasthole data structure. This work was undertaken to improve integration between SHOTPlus™ and BlastIQ™ and better align the information presented to users when comparing blast design information and blast outcomes within the BlastIQ™ ecosystem.

As a part of the refactor a number of changes have been made to clarify and standardise terminology used when importing and exporting data into and out of SHOTPlus™ via text file or from BlastIQ™. These changes include:

  • Removal of ‘Actual’ terminology - ‘Actual’ was previously a mixed terminology used to define data that was sourced from a drill e.g. ‘Actual Collar X’, or was captured through a field measurement e.g. ‘Actual Length'.
  • Standardisation of ‘Drilled’ - All data that has been recorded by a drilling system will now be defined as ‘Drill Data’, e.g. Drilled Length, Drilled Diameter, and Drilled Coordinates. Data imported into SHOTPlus™, via text import as Drill Data, will be exported to BlastIQ™ as having been recorded by a drilling system.
  • Standardisation of ‘Measurements' - All data that has been recorded by a physical measurement will now be defined as ‘Measured’, e.g. Measured Length, and Measured Diameter. Data imported into SHOTPlus™ via text import as a Measurement will be exported to BlastIQ™ as having been recorded by a field device.
  • Introduction of ‘Surveyed Collar’ - Surveyed collar has been added to the text importer for users who wish to import collar coordinates recorded by a GNSS device, but do not wish to have this data tagged as ‘Drilled’. This data does not integrate with BlastIQ™.
  • Introduction of Adjusted Design Length - Where users are importing Drilled or Surveyed Collars, the Adjusted Design Length is the updated length required to reach the target toe position from the new collar position.

Due to the above changes compatibility of files generated or saved in newer versions of SHOTPlus™ may be impacted. What does this mean for you:

Existing files, saved in previous versions of SHOTPlus™, will still open in newer versions of SHOTPlus™. Existing files, saved in the newer versions of SHOTPlus™, will no longer be compatible with older versions of SHOTPlus™.

Existing Text Import and Text Export Templates using superseded terminology for data fields will link to data fields with new terminology on first use. Due to the above compatibility issues it is recommended that updates of for SHOTPlus are completed ASAP for all users.


  1. Ability to export profile data that exists in holes1.
  2. Ability to use a polygon to filter triangulation results based on view direction2


    1. It is now possible to export hole profile data if it exists. To access, go to File > Export > Profile Logs... The option is disabled if there is no profile data against any hole.
    2. In the Surface Manager, if a polygon is also selected, this can be used to filter output triangulation results. The filter logic can either be in plan (top down), or in the current view direction to filter.


  1. It is now possible to discard hole profile logs when multiple holes are selected.
  2. Increased the "Screening parameter" to accept 2 decimal places in the MSW calculation dialog.
  3. References to BlastIQ™ Classic or BlastIQ™ Quarry have been removed.
  4. The "Quantities by Hole Type" quantities report has been improved:
    1. "Boosters" and "Initiating Systems" categories have been added.
    2. "Stemming" product summary now reports the number of holes and a volume in m3.
  5. The Surface Manager tool has been improved:
    1. An information tool tip has been added to explain the "Use as Boundary" option.
    2. An information tool tip has been added to explain when to use "Best Fit". 
    3. "Use as Boundary" has been disabled if "Best Fit" triangulation is used1.
    4. When a polygon has been selected, it can be used to filter points for triangulation in the users current view2.
  6. The "Edit Raw Data" button has been re-enabled in the face station.
  7. The "Use Actual Holes Loading For Calculation" checkbox has removed and replaced with the ability to submit AVM™ predictions for Vibration and Airblast based on the following loading states3:
    1. Design - Prediction based on design charging and initiation information.
    2. Updated Design - Prediction based on Updated Design charging and initiation information where present.4
    3. Actual and Design - Prediction based on Actual charging and initiation information.5,6
  8. Filter and search option 'Incomplete Actuals' has been added to allow users to search for holes that do not have the required information to be submitted as an 'Actual'.
  9. Added menu option to clear profile logging from multiple holes.7


    1. "Best Fit" triangulation method should not be used with a polygon selected for "Use as Boundary", this could have led to undesirable results.
    2. In the Surface Manager, users can create a surface with selected objects. If a polygon is also selected, this can be used to filter the input data used in the triangulation. The filter logic can either be in plan (top down), or in the current view direction to filter.
    3. Loading state is selecting via a dialog when submitting a blast for prediction.
    4. Where a hole submitted does not have an Updated Design, the design will be used instead.
    5. Where a hole summitted does not have the required 'Actual' information the Updated Design (first preference) or Design (second preference) will be used.
    6. The 'Actual' information required to submit an AVM™ job based on actuals is:
      1. Actual Charge Weight for all recorded decks in a hole;
      2. Surface initiation; and
      3. Actual Initiation Time for all recorded decks in a hole. Actual initiation times can be sourced from BlastIQ™ for pyrotechnic initiators, or i-kon™ Loggers for i-kon™ initiators.
    7. ToolsHolesClear Profile Logging.


  1. Sometimes the selection lasso can appear far from the extent of the data on screen. This has been fixed.
  2. The "Expand Polygon" tool can sometimes cause overlapping points in the result. Where logical, this has been improved.
  3. When importing design holes via the text importer, a message prompt alerts the user if incomplete design information is available. This message was appearing even if appropriate fields are mapped for import, this has been fixed.
  4. When using surface and downhole combo detonators, the tie legend display was not printing correctly in the plan print out. 
  5. When attempting to upload plans to BlastIQ™, if an i-kon™ resource exists in the upload that had a mismatched product region, an error would occur. This has been fixed. 
  6.  After importing hole positions from BlastIQ™, toe points for some situations did not match.
  7. Borders were not being printed when attempting to print a report on all rows in the "Row View".
  8. The "Butt Check" tool was misidentifying holes even when outside search radius.
  9. Hole Labels were not showing on opaque rendered surfaces.
  10. Time Envelope View was not scaling correctly when initiation times were adjusted with Time Window open.
  11. AVM™ Modelling domain needed to be selected after each import from BlastIQ™.
  12. Renaming a hole in SHOTPlus™ using the hole renaming tool was not renaming the hole correctly in BlastIQ™.
  13. The loading tool was incorrectly applying a loading design to holes marked as 'Not Drilled' in certain situations.
  14. Actual decks recorded in BlastIQ™ were being displayed incorrectly in certain circumstances.
  15. An unhandled exception was occurring when viewing 'Actual' charge information where holes had a recorded booster only.
  16. Inputting a delay for a surface EBS connection, when SHOTPlus™ was displaying imperial units, was resulting in the incorrect time being added.
  17. Unhandled exception was occurring when exporting a profile log and an exported profile log file was already open.
  18. Generating a custom report from the Profile Wizard was causing an unhandled exception.
  19. Profile Logging Tool was incorrectly showing erroneous data points.
  20. Negative profile values were not being shown in the Profile Logging Tool.
  21. Generating a surface with 'Include in Surface' option selected was generating an unhandled exception in certain circumstances.
  22. Importing logged detonators from an i-kon™ logger was not correctly populating the 'Actual' loading for a hole.
  23. Grade RL input in "Edit Hole" was incorrectly handled when using Imperial display units.
  24. When printing the "Row View " report, sometimes an unhandled error would occur.
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