January, 2025
- Version 1.2.7 of BlastIQ™ Underground, first offered to users on Monday, 20th January 2025.
- To update BlastIQ™ Underground, please check for updates through the link located in the top left corner of the BlastIQ™ Underground login screen, or via the 'Updates' button on the home section of the ribbon.
- For further information on updating BlastIQ™ Underground, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
- Users are now able to search BlastIQ blast lists, including fired and deleted blasts.
- Additional hole filters, “Redrill required”, “Backfill required” have been added.
- Improved error messages for old or unsupported .fse files.
- Performance of the login screen has been improved.
- Performance of volumetrics tool has been improved.
- Notifications have been added when exporting comments.
- BlastIQ Underground now filters out deleted products from the product list.
- UI improvements including:
- The Zoom Extents, Toggle Grid, Toggle Projection buttons have moved to the top middle of the CAD window.
- Improved zoom experience.
- Improved rendering of 3D objects.
- Improved drill hole selection.
- Improved zoom behaviours.
- Hole table improvements and fixes:
- Table was resizing automatically.
- Comment text was not displaying in the column properly.
- Ring ID is now visible when adding a design comment from the hole table.
- In some instances, a duplicate tool tip was displaying.
- Some hole labels were updated to better reflect the data.1
- The following columns were changed:
- “Measured Length (m)” to “Prep Length (m)”,
- “Measured Diameter (mm)” to “Prep Diameter (mm)”
- The following columns were changed:
- Preferences button has been deprecated.
- Dynamic loading tool has been deprecated.
- Switching between blasts while in ring view was not working properly.
- Hole labels were not displaying after exiting ring view.
- Backfill flag was not clearing when holes had a backfill deck applied.
- Actual backfill decks were not showing in the data table if there was no design backfill decks
- Fixes to the loading template dialog including:
- Decks were incorrectly being displayed as gassed.
- Charge weight was not calculating when editing a single hole.
- The csv importer was not importing some valid floats.