6.21.4 SHOTPlus™ Beta Release Notes





January, 2025

Version 6.21.4 of SHOTPlus™ Beta, first offered to users on Monday 20th January 2025.
A notification will appear on start-up in SHOTPlus™ Beta once the update is available.
For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.


  1. Users can now visualise "Temperature Trend" of holes using the Analytics view tool.1
  2. SHOTPlus™ checks for hole type and material type conflicts when importing a plan from BlastIQ™ into a new or existing plan.2 


    1. Information on how to view holes using the "Temperature Trend" view in Analytics view can be found here.
    2. If there is a mismatch between hole or material types when importing from BlastIQ™, users will be prompted to map the hole types and/or material types from BlastIQ™ to the SHOTPlus™ file. Please refer to this article for more information.


  1. When using the Profile Tool workbox, users can now hover over a value in the burden table to view it to three decimal places.
  2. Some general printing improvements were made, including;
    1. Adding separate "Hole label Text Size" and "Title text size" in the Print Manager. The title box size is linked to the "Title text size" value.1
    2. Adjusting line weight for better visibility.
    3. Printing to the correct page size as defined by the user.
    4. Printing to the correct user defined print area across various zoom modes.
  3. Users are now able to manipulate photogrammetry surfaces by:
    1. Selecting a photogrammetry object.
    2. Moving the object to a new layer.
    3. Changing the transparency of the object in the layer properties.
  4. The "BlastIQ move holes between plans" wizard now checks for conflicts between hole types and material types before committing the changes to BlastIQ™.2
  5. A BlastIQ™ import error message was updated with an improved description.
  6. The AVM job list is now sorted in reverse order of ID.


    1.  Note that text labels also affect legends that are displayed, including the hole legend and the tie legend.
    2. For more information about the changes to the "BlastIQ move holes between plans" wizard, please refer to this article.


  1. Adding an explosive deck via the Hole table or Profile Tool workbox was triggering an error.
  2. User selected print area was not consistently applied when printing.
  3. An error occurred when submitting AVM job with patterns including dummy holes. 
  4. Clearing the actual data resulted in changes to the hole timing and variable deck position.
  5. Editing loading rules by selecting a group of holes was not correctly applied to all the selected holes.
  6. An error was triggered when generating BlastIQ™ report.
  7. Holes added in field with null diameter flagged errors when imported from BlastIQ™.
  8. BlastIQ blast report displayed incorrect blast date and time.
  9. Importing cBlast files was assigning values to wet side measurements which was preventing users from recording hole measurements in BlastIQ™ Mobile.
  10. An error was triggered when removing a booster from initiation rules.
  11. The Angle of Initiation was not exported in the correct units as specified by the user.
  12. Users were unable to edit hole diameter in Design Data for SHOTPlus™ files configured with Imperial units.
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