6.9.4 -
- Release notes for SHOTPlus™ Beta version 6.9.4 - 6.12.13. For further information on updating SHOTPlus™, please contact BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
Released 6th December 2022
- Row View was not formatted correctly where longer rows were present.
- Exclusion Zone Tool Surface and Polygon outputs did not match when using Constant Radius and clipping to a Topographical Surface.
- Design Drill collars were obscuring Actual Drill collars where both were present.
- 'Zone of Influence' view in Analytics View was not reflecting 'Actual' collar locations.
- Layer list in 'Butt Check' tool was not updating with new layers.
Released 28th November 2022
- Time Window calculation updated to include:
- Design - Charge weights and initiation times based on a hole's design state
- Updated Design (default) - Charge weights and initiation times based on a hole's updated design state.
- Actual and Design - Charge weights an initiation times based on Measured data where present, and Updated Design where not present.
- Actuals Only - Charge weights an initiation times based on Measured data only.
- When adjusting EBS intervals, intervals can now be adjusted at specific monitoring points.
- 'Custom' option added to Row View, allowing users to view selected holes as a row.
- BlastIQ™ Licences can now be activated from within SHOTPlus™.1
- 'Activate BlastIQ™ Licence' option added to the existing licence expiry warning.
- To activate a BlastIQ™ Licence from within SHOTPlus™, select 'Help' > 'Activate BlastIQ™ Licence' from the main toolbar in SHOTPlus™.
- Time Window calculation updated to include:
- Vibration Monitor icon updated.
- Rendered surfaces in Heat Map mode can now be set to 0% transparency.
- Hole collars can now be visualised when clipped to rendered surfaces with 0% transparency.
- Surface connector icons updated where >6 ties are used.
- 'Loaded Not Measured' is now consumed from BlastIQ™.
- Displayed on hole diagrams, next to the deck horizon as a '?'
- Latitude and Longitude are now imported into SHOTPlus™ for WebGen™ imports.
- Where an initiation point has no booster, the 'Num' column now shows 0.
- Vibration Monitors icons were being hidden by rendered surfaces with 0% transparency.
- The surface manager was not taking all selected points into account where creating registered surfaces.
- Rows were not showing in Row View when a baseline was not present.
- Backfill decks were not being applied correctly in certain situations.
- Extra holes, recorded in the field, included WebGen™ imports were not being positioned in the SHOTPlus™ plan correctly.
- EBS Flags were not being applied correctly to WebGen™ imports.
- Initiation times for WebGen™ blasts were being rounded incorrectly.
- Quantities by Hole Type summary was not showing IE/HE quantities.
- When importing data from Quarryman Pro face points were being incorrectly imported as polylines.
- Wet sides measurement of 0.1 m was not applying wet sides rules.
- Importing and IKN file was positioning initiators at the incorrect depth.
- DXF files were being imported with the incorrect layer colour referenced.
- Wet sides conditions were not being recognised where Graphical Charging Rules were used.
- Manually editing a loading design for a hole was not updating the Updated Design in all locations resulting in a mismatch in quantities.
- Hidden layers were not appearing in 'Layer' drop down boxes.
Released 27thOctober 2022
- Charging conditions based on a water level of less than or equal to 0 were not applying correctly.
Released 27thOctober 2022
- Assume Wet
- 'Wet - Unknown' renamed 'Assume Wet'.1
- Holes marked as 'Assume Wet' are treated as wet holes for the application of Loading Rules.
- No water measurements will be exported to BlastIQ™ for holes marked as 'Assume Wet'
- Loading rules will not be applied in BlastIQ™ for holes marked as 'Assume Wet'.
- Holes marked as 'Assume Wet' will be protected from the automatic reapplication of rules in SHOTPlus™.2
- Where a hole marked as 'Assume Wet' receives a water measurement, the 'Assume Wet' tag will be cleared and the water measurement will be applied to the hole.
- SHOTPlus™ now maintains 'Depth to Water' where a hole has a water measurement and a new length measurement is received.3
- A backfill deck is now added to all holes beyond backfill tolerance.4
- Selection of holes enabled from within the Volume Overview window.
- 'Auto' surfaces removed from selectable layers.
- When importing measurements for holes with manually edited loading, users will now be prompted to reapply loading rules.
- Time Envelope now evaluated on the time displayed on the plan, rather than potential sub-millisecond timing.
- Back and Forward arrows in the hole table disabled where a single hole is selected.
- Bulk explosive display colours now displayed for Graphical Loading Rules.
- Selected holes will now been shown highlighted in the Row View at the bottom of the Hole Table.
- Text objects can now be moved using the 'Move Objects onto Surface' functionality.
- 'Assume Wet' acts as a design property for holes.
- Holes tagged as 'Assume Wet' are treated as unsupported rules for BlastIQ™ users. Where new measurements are received for holes tagged as 'Assume Wet' users will be prompted to reapply loading rules.
- Where a hole receives a length measurement that is less than the Depth to Water, the depth to water of the hole will be cleared if no new water measurement is entered or received.
- Based on the tolerances defined in SHOTPlus™ and a comparison between the 'Design' length and the 'Actual' or 'Drilled' length. To prevent backfill decks being added, disable the backfill tolerance for a specific hole type.
- Assume Wet
- Tie legend text was not visible when using SHOTPlus™ with a black background.
- Creating a hole with 'Drill to Length' drilling method was resulting in holes with a Grade RL above the Collar RL in certain circumstances.
- The Sub-drill specified in Default Design Data was not being assigned to holes imported via the text importer with incomplete design information.
- Clearing the actual collar and toe was not resetting collar positions where drill data was present.
- Certain warning messages were being shown twice when exporting to BlastIQ™.
- Blast volume was not indicated in the Volume Overview tool when opened.
- Bench Height was being incorrectly calculated for holes in certain situations.
- An error was incorrectly given when importing temperature data in the text importer with blank cells present.
- An error was incorrectly given when marking a hole as Not Drilled via the text importer.
- Editing the 'Drill To' method for multiple holes could result in incorrect design parameters in certain situations.
- Recording a temperature for a hole was not updating the hole from Design mode to Updated Design mode.
Released 10thOctober 2022
- Loading rules that are not based on the most up-to-date condition for a hole are now shown in bold and italics and tagged as '[Not updated]'.
- When holes are imported from BlastIQ™ without a Collar Elevation SHOTPlus™ will now:
- Clip holes to any existing, registered, bench surface; or
- If no registered bench surface is present, or the X Y coordinates of the hole fall outside the extent of the bench surface SHOTPlus™ will assign a Collar Elevation based on the average elevation of all holes in the plan; or
- If no registered bench surface is present, or the X Y coordinates of the hole fall outside the extent of the bench surface, and there are no existing collar coordinates in the plan a Collar Elevation of 0 will be assigned.
- When importing blasts from BlastIQ™ and the Hole Types and/or Material Types for existing holes do not match what is present in SHOTPlus™, users are now given the option to copy (or not copy) the Hole Types and/or Material types present in BlastIQ™.1
- Added the ability to view Design and Actual explosive decks as user defined colours in the SHOTPlus™ scene explorer.
- Option available from 'Edit' > 'Blast Properties' > 'Loading visualisation options'.2
- Changing Hole Type and/or Material Type will trigger a re-application of loading rules where 'Reapply rules automatically' is turned on.
- Deck colours can be based on BlastIQ™ Display Colours where a plan is linked to a BlastIQ™ site or user-defined custom display colours. Default display colours are pre-defined for certain products when using the 'custom display colours'. Where no BlastIQ™ colours or custom display colours is defined, products will displayed using legacy colours.
- Grade RL added as property in SHOTPlus™:
- When importing new blasts from BlastIQ™, SHOTPlus™ will assign the Grade RL based on the value specified by BlastIQ™.
- Grade RL can be imported into the SHOTPlus™ text importer.
- Grade RL can be imported via the SHOTPlus™ text exporter.
- Added Grade RL label to SHOTPlus™ hole diagrams.
- Added Grade RL as a column in the Hole Table.
- When a hole is 'Drill to length' drilling method, subdrill is now an editable property.
- Warning added when uploading a plan to BlastIQ™ where any holes are > 50 km from the defined site centre.
- Cursor snapping logic improved where two points, at different elevations, were aligned for the viewer.
- Improved logic for checking BlastIQ™ login token.
- Improved Extended Firing Data output to consider adjacent explosive decks.
- Improved reporting of BlastIQ™ login errors.
- Changed wording of sync button in BlastIQ™ Blast Report dialog to 'Import' to reflect the functionality.
- When creating a polyline or polygon for 3D points, SHOTPlus™ will not draw the polyline or polygon based on the order the 3D points were selected in.
- BlastIQ™ activations are now renewed in the background when users log in to BlastIQ™ within SHOTPlus™.
- Holes can now be selected from the Volume Overview tool.
- Renamed 'Show Collars Only' to 'Show Holes Only' in Analytics View.
- Grade RL added as property in SHOTPlus™:
- Not all measured decks were being represented in the Hole History in certain situations.
- SHOTPlus™ was sending 'Depth to Water' measurements greater than the length of the hole they were assigned to in certain situations.
- Water measurements in SHOTPlus™ were being deleted when importing from BlastIQ™ in certain situations.
- More than 12 items were being allowed to be added to the tie-in palette result in an unhandled exception.
- SHOTPlus™ was incorrectly blocking exports of plans where products defined in the loading rules were not matched to the BlastIQ™ site, but loading rules were not being exported.
- The menu option to set a Loading Factor for hole was not working.
- Manually edited holes had two different Updated Design charge weights in certain situations.
- Certain measurements, imported from BlastIQ™ during the creation of BlastIQ™ Blast Reports, were not being saved to the SHOTPlus™ file, resulting in a mismatch of results between the report and the SHOTPlus™ file.
- Reinstated 0 ms option in the Time Envelope calculation window.
- Loading View was not updating when importing from BlastIQ™ with the dialog open.
- Drill to Floor Surface were not updating when the floor surface was moved in certain situations.
Released 7thSeptember 2022
- BlastIQ™ Import Behaviour:
- SHOTPlus™ now applies backfill and re-drill tolerances to holes without specific loading rules.
- SHOTPlus™ now maintains manually edited loading when importing from BlastIQ™.
- SHOTPlus™ no longer copies the adjusted design for existing holes in a plan from BlastIQ™, adjusted design in SHOTPlus™ is based on imported measurements, loading rule application, and current loading structure.
- When importing new holes (any hole that does not exist in the current SHOTPlus™ plan) SHOTPlus™ will import the adjusted charging and initiation design from BlastIQ™ and mark the holes as manually edited.
- SHOTPlus™ now stores an internal flag for holes loaded with loading rules unsupported by BlastIQ™.
- Where loading rules are reapplied automatically, SHOTPlus™ will now ensure that empty holes have a loading design, prior to measurements being assigned to a hole, loading rules being reapplied and an updated loading design being generated.
- After updating, SHOTPlus™ will now include an update message on the 'Welcome' dialog with a link to the BlastIQ™ release notes page.
- Link to SHOTPlus™ release notes page included in the SHOTPlus™ About dialog.
- Added the ability to add multiple different tabs, with different settings, to the Time Envelope tool.
- Added the ability to import GeoTiff files1.
- Added 'Butt Check' tool2.
- Added 'Hole Type Label' field to SHOTPlus™ text exporter.
- SHOTPlus™ Beta Licences will no longer auto-authenticate for Orica users.
- To import GeoTiff files select 'File' > 'Import' > 'Georeferenced Image' from the main toolbar in SHOTPlus™.
- To activate the 'Butt Check' tool select 'Tool' > 'Holes' 'Butt Check' from the main toolbar in SHOTPlus™.
- BlastIQ™ Import Behaviour:
- Added horizon adjustment option for non-variable decks to the 'Edit Explosive Deck' dialog.
- When adjusting deck lengths via the Hole Table Loading Diagram, the adjustment indicator is now extended to the left of the screen.
- Initiation products recorded in BlastIQ™ are now itemised in the 'Parameters Changes' tab within the 'Hole History' dialog.
- Initiation products recorded in BlastIQ™ now show in SHOTPlus™ Hole Table loading diagrams.
- Added customisable display options for the SHOTPlus™ Summary Block.
- BlastIQ™ Blast Report will now print all tabs defined in the Time Envelope tool.
- When merging two SHOTPlus™ files, blasthole relabelling will only apply to holes with duplicate hole IDs that are being added to the existing plan.
- Added warning for users when completing a vibration prediction for blasts were explosive decks are not firing.
- Aligned naming of OBJ imports.
- Added manual transform capability to OBJ imports.
- Added 'Re-drill of' to Quantities tab.
- Standard resolution is now the default option when generating an exclusion zone surface in the Exclusion Zone Calculator.
- Safety Factor disabled in the Exclusion Zone Calculator when generating an exclusion zone based on a constant radius.
- Page orientation now only impacts map pages in the BlastIQ™ Blast Report.
- The following objects will now be printed where visible:
- OBJ photogrammetry surfaces.
- Image overlays.
- EBS adjust intervals tool now allows users to select adjustment methodology.
- SHOTPlus™ will now validate that 'depth to water' measurements prior to BlastIQ™ Export and inform user of inconsistencies.
- The following quantities tabs can now be included in the BlastIQ™ Blast Report:
- Quantities by Hole Type.
- Bulk Explosive Quantities.
- Packaged Explosive Quantities.
- Inert Product Quantities.
- Initiating Explosive Quantities.
- WebGen™ Quantities.
- Accessories.
- OBJ imports were failing where the decimal delimiter in the OBJ file did not match the decimal delimiter defined in the local regional settings.
- Null depths were being reported as 0.0 m in Hole History dialog.
- Manual Entries calculation within the Exclusion Zone Calculator was not working for empty blastholes.
- Clearing a loading design from a blasthole loaded with detonating cord tracing was not clearing the detonating cord from the hole's loading design.
- When importing into SHOTPlus™ via the text importer, and null values were provided for Hole Type or Material Type, holes were not assigned value per the default values dialog.
- Profile Loading Alternatives were not being applied correctly due to an internal rounding error.
- Deleted Blast Tags and Blast KPIs were being included in BlastIQ™ Blast Reports generated in SHOTPlus™.
- Monitoring point inputs were being displayed in metric units when Program settings were set to display imperial units.
- Profile Loading Alternative minimum deck lengths were not being adhered to in certain situations.
- Rounding error in Graphical Charging rules was causing decks 0 length decks to be displayed as 0.1 m.
- Fired blasts filter not working correctly when using the 'Move Holes Between BlastIQ Plans' tool in SHOTPlus™.
- Exclusion zone outputs were not working as expected when clipping to topography surfaces.
- Points imported via OBJ were being incorrectly offset from their defined location.
Released 29thJuly 2022
- SP6-2082: 'Select' options on Filter and Search menu were not functioning correctly.
- SP6-2088: Analytics View pages were not being correctly populated in BlastIQ™ Blast Report
Released 25thJuly 2022
- SP6-1946: Initiating Explosives tab added to Quantities calculation dialog.
- SP6-1963: WebGen™ tab added to Quantities calculation dialog1.
- SP6-1964: Accessories tab added to Quantities calculation dialog.
- SP6-1965: Added ability to report blast level explosives and accessories in new quantities tabs.
- SP6-1973: design and actual hole level initiation information is now shown in the SHOTPlus™ Hole Table.
- The WebGen™ quantities tab is only visible when using WebGen™ 100 or WebGen™ 200 products.
- SP6-1945: SHOTPlus™ now imports plan level accessories recorded in BlastIQ™.
- SP6-1985: Improved performance when importing large OBJ files.
- SP6-1989: Quantities by hole type no longer reports hole types not in use.
- SP6-2021: SHOTPlus™ will now inform users if holes with duplicate hole collar coordinates have been imported from BlastIQ™.
- SP6-2025: Updated Design in new Quantities tabs now includes the Design for hole that do not have an Updated Design.
- SP6-2048: BlastIQ™ licencing is now the default licence. This allows users to have a BlastIQ™ licence for a SHOTPlus™ Beta installation and a Licence Key for a SHOTPlus™ Production installation.
- SP6-2062: 'No. Holes' row removed from new Quantities tabs.
- SP6-2064: Saving of recovery files disabled when importing OBJ files.
- SP6-1983: Information on the hole diagrams in the BlastIQ™ edit deck measurements tool was being hidden in certain situations.
- SP6-2042: Group editing holes was clearing Measurements in certain situations.
- SP6-2046: Volume wizard was not working where the bounding polygon was not intersecting either the bench or floor surface.
- SP6-2047: EBS logging summary was not populating where WebGen™ lead-ins were connected to individual charges in a hole.
- SP6-2050: Printing a plan with multiple flags was causing an unhandled exception.
- SP6-2058: SHOTPlus™ was giving an unhandled exception where hole level accessories had been recorded in BlastIQ™ without a depth.
- SP6-2059: SHOTPlus™ was not reporting hole level packaged explosives when recorded as Initiation Loading in BlastIQ™
- SP6-2066: SHOTPlus™ was displaying the incorrect expiry date for BlastIQ™ licences.
Released 6thJuly 2022
- SP6-2033: Unhandled exception was occurring when printing with image overlay objects1.
- Image overlay objects are not currently printable objects in SHOTPlus™. This will be part of a future release.
Released 6thJuly 2022
- SP6-912: SHOTPlus™ will now export KML files.
- SP6-1798: Added 'Redrill Of' top Filter and Search.
- SP6-1922: SHOTPlus™ will now perform a duplicate check between holes in the SHOTPlus™ plan and holes present in BlastIQ™ prior to export.
- SP6-1923: SHOTPlus™ will now check for duplicate holes present in the SHOTPlus™ plan prior to exporting to BlastIQ™.
- SP6-1977: Print Preview added to 'Print (new)' .
- SP6-1992: SHOTPlus™ can now be licenced using the BlastIQ™ licencing system.
- KML exports located under 'File > Export > KML file'.
- The option for BlastIQ™ licencing will be presented when opening SHOTPlus™, where a valid, active SHOTPlus™ licence key is not present. BlastIQ™ licencing requires the allocation of a licence seat via the BlastIQ™ admin portal and valid BlastIQ™ credentials.
- SP6-802: Loading tool results now specify the number of charging and initiation rules applied.
- SP6-1847: SHOTPlus™ will now inform users when an upload to BlastIQ™ has been completed and the BlastIQ™ plan contains duplicates.
- SP6-1924: Where holes with recorded actuals in BlastIQ™ are renamed in SHOTPlus™, SHOTPlus™ will trigger a rename of the hole in BlastIQ™ upon the next export.
- SP6-1925: Improved 'Check for duplicates by coordinates' tool.
- SP6-1943: Editing strata intercepts will now only trigger the recalculation of any surfaces that are affected by the edit.
- SP6-1984: 'Wet hole unknown amount' behaviour was not working correctly for a group of holes.
- SP6-1986: Pyrotechnic and Detonating Cord surface tie-ins with more than one lead in may now be exported to BlastIQ™.
- SP6-2020: SHOTPlus™ will no import OBJ Files with quotation marks in the file reference.
- SP6-1930: North arrow size was scaled incorrectly in certain situations.
- SP6-1936: Like decks were being incorrectly merged when exporting to BlastIQ™.
- SP6-1941: Logic error related to the application of Initiation rules.
- SP6-1942: Hole tracks were not being printed correctly in certain situations.
- SP6-1956: 'Actual' accessories in BlastIQ™ were not being imported into SHOTPlus™ where no other 'Actuals' had been recorded.
- SP6-1962: Importing a WebGen™ 200 LGF with an extra hole was resulting in an unhandled exception.
- SP6-1967: Clearing the 'Actual' loading for hole was not clearing the recorded 'Actual' initiation.
- SP6-1976: Opening the Hole Table with a hole (or group of holes) selected was not resulting in that hole (or group of holes) being selected in the Hole Table.
- SP6-1979: Users were experiencing a System.IO error in certain situations.
- SP6-2016: OBJ layers were being corrupted after being hidden.
- SP6-2026: Standard DXF Importer was placing imported objects at incorrect coordinates when SHOTPlus™ was set to display imperial units.
Released 20thJune 2022
- SP6-1641: Added ability to import JPEG or PNG overlay images1,2,3.
- SP6-1908: Added new Bulk Explosive Quantity report4.
- SP6-1916: Added new Packaged Explosive Quantity report4.
- SP6-1917: Added new Inert Products Quantity report4.
- SP6-1918: linked display colours of products in new Quantities reports to display colours in BlastIQ™.
- Image overlays are not compatible with older versions of SHOTPlus™. Files with image overlays will not be able to be opened by versions of SHOTPlus™ Beta 6.11.5 or older. Deleting any image overlays will allow older versions of SHOTPlus™ to open the files.
- Image overlay objects are not currently printable objects in SHOTPlus™. This will be part of a future release.
- To import an image overlay into SHOTPlus™ select 'Import' > 'Image overlay file' from the main SHOTPlus™ toolbar. The coordinates of either the Top Left and Bottom Right or the Top Right and Bottom left corners of the image must be provided.
- To access the new Quantities reports select 'Calculations' > 'Quantities' from the main SHOTPlus™ toolbar and navigate to the 'Bulk explosives', 'Packaged explosives', or 'Inert products' tabs.
- SP6-1036: Updated Drill Holes Between Lines:
- Renamed to 'Add Holes Between Lines'.
- Added spacing tolerance to allow better position of holes around corners.
- Added ability to base hole positioning on toe spacing.
- Added ability to add sub-drill below selected toe line.
- SP6-1910: Blastholes can now be marked as a re-drill of another hole using the SHOTPlus text importer1.
- SP6-1911: SHOTPlus™ will now populate 'Re-drill of' information in the Edit Hole Dialog based on information from BlastIQ™.
- SP6-1912: Added 'Re-drill of' to the SHOTPlus™ Hole Table.
- SP6-1913: Added 'Re-drill of' as a data source in SHOTPlus™ custom reports.
- SP6-1914: Added 'Re-drill of' to the SHOTPlus™ Text Exporter.
- SP6-1929: Adjusted BlastIQ™ Blast Report to always print Quantities in landscape.
- SP6-1931: Added option to add new Charging Rules under currently selected rule2.
- SP6-1972: Auto surface behaviour updated to account for Not Drilled and Abandoned Holes.
- To import a hole as a re-drill of another hole:
- Provide the new hole's Hole ID and coordinates - the new hole's Hole ID must be unique for the plan.
- Provide the ID of the original hole using the new 'Redrill of' field, located under measurements in the SHOTPlus™ Text Importer - this hole must be present in the SHOTPlus™ plan being imported into or present in the text file being imported.
- Only available for Tabular Charging Rules. Graphical Charging Rules are automatically ordered based on conditions.
- To import a hole as a re-drill of another hole:
- SP6-1036: Updated Drill Holes Between Lines:
- SP6-1898: Lasso tool not performing correctly after using the volume overview tool.
- SP6-1904: The position of primers was not being correctly adjusted when deck lengths were adjusted in the Edit Loading dialog box.
- SP6-1927: Face surfaces with a significant number of points were resulting in irregular contour surfaces.
- SP6-1937: SHOTPlus™ was incorrectly exporting drill data already present in BlastIQ™ in certain situations.
- SP6-1953: Detonating cord was not being shown in the Tie Legend when used in a plan.
- SP6-1957: An unhandled error, caused by the step down burden setting, was occurring when opening the profile tool in certain situations.
Released 24thMay 2022
- SP6-1143: Added option to enter or import coordinate transform settings for a SHOTPlus™ file or template1.
- SP6-1692: BlastIQ™ Blast Report:
- SHOTPlus™ can now create a PDF Blast Report for BlastIQ™ connected blasts2.
- The following views are available to include in the BlastIQ™ Blast Report3:
- BlastIQ™ Blast Tags.
- BlastIQ™ Key Performance Indicators.
- BlastIQ™ Blast Notes.
- Design Quantities.
- Angle of Initiation.
- Burden Relief.
- First Movement.
- Hole Temperature Analytics View.
- Water Depth Analytics View.
- Underdrill / overdrill Analytics Views:
- Design vs. Drilled.
- Design vs. First Length.
- Design vs. Measured.
- Hole Weight % Loading Accuray Analytics View.
- SP6-1696: BlastIQ™ Potential Misfire:
- SP6-1868: Consume Potential Misfire flag from BlastIQ™.
- SP6-1869: Display Potential Misfire on hole diagram in the Edit Hole dialog.
- SP6-1870: Display Potential Misfire flag in the Hole Table4.
- SP6-1871: Add Potential Misfire to Filter and Search list.
- SP6-1872: Add Potential Misfire to as a Text Export field5.
- SP6-1875: Add Potential Misfire as a Data Source for SHOTPlus™ Reports.
- SP6-1902: Display Potential Misfire in Hole History.
- SP6-1863: Added Design and Actual Energy Factor to Hole Table6.
- SP6-1890: Options added to create the following based on toe of charge7.
- Create points at toe of charge8.
- Create auto-surface at toe of charge9.
- Three known points and WKT transform options available. Where available, coordinate transforms will be imported from BlastIQ™ based on site selection. These settings will be used to position image overlays in a coming release.
- To create a BlastIQ™ Blast Report, select BlastIQ > BlastIQ™ Blast Report from the main toolbar.
- Calculation or Analytic views included in the BlastIQ™ Blast Report will duplicate the current settings in their respective windows.
- Potential misfire available from the Hole measures tab.
- Potential misfire available from the Measurements tab.
- Energy factor available from the Hole data tab.
- Based on the first non-backfill charge in a hole
- To create points at the toe of a charge, select Tools > Holes > Create points at charge toe.
- To create a toe of charge auto-surface, select the Charged toe option from the Auto-surfaces section of the Visibility manager.
- SP6-1728: Enabled the use of the following accessories as Air Decks within loading designs exported to BlastIQ™:
- Globo.
- Tapponex.
- Paraplug.
- SP6-1821: Restricted opacity of heat map surface to ensure visibility of hole collars.
- SP6-1826: Added additional method for identification of stab holes for the purpose of volume calculations1.
- SP6-1846: Updated wording when using BlastIQ™ move holes between plans tool.
- SP6-1851: Actions that trigger a volume re-calculation updated to improve SHOTPlus™ performance where the number of holes exceeds 1,000.
- SP6-1867: Where holes are designed with 'Maintain hole track' selected, the position of the hole track will align with the row position regardless of the selected drill bench surface.
- SP6-1873: Only active Hole Types / Material Types are shown in Analytics View legends.
- SP6-1878: Increase the maximum allowable Charge mass per metre value for Exclusion Zone tool to 300 kg/m and 300 lb/ft.
- SP6-1879: BlastIQ™ plan notes are now displayed across multiple lines.
- SP6-1926: Added ability to import surfaces from RHINO data.
- Stab hole identification settings can be adjusted from Edit > Blast Properties > Volume calculations.
- SP6-1728: Enabled the use of the following accessories as Air Decks within loading designs exported to BlastIQ™:
- SP6-1860: Warning dialog for Exclusion Zone Tool was only shown when first opening the tool.
- SP6-1865: Exporting Quantities Report from SHOTPlus™ was resulting in 'File in Use' error.
- SP6-1903: Input for the Exclusion Zone Tool were incorrectly being retained in some circumstances.
- SP6-1907: SHOTPlus™ deleting holes with WebGen™ encoding paths was causing SHOTPlus™ to give unhandled exception in some circumstances.
- SP6-1915: Unhandled exception was occuring with the Hole History dialog in certain circumstances.
Released 3rdMay 2022
- SP6-1797: Custom option added for Profile Wizard printouts.
- SP6-1802: SHOTPlus™ now sends a flag to BlastIQ™ for holes that contain a profile trace.
- SHOTPlus Exclusion Zone Tool User Interface Updated:
- SP6-1738: Polygon and Surface options are now split into separate tabs.
- SP6-1841: Vertical distance can now be defined for 'constant radius' option, allowing an exclusion zone surface to be generated.
- SP6-1855: The distances shown for polygons and surfaces are now updated based on what the outputs are clipped to.
- SP6-1856: User input availability for the Exclusion Zone Tool is now staged to guide user in the use of the tool.
- SP6-1857: User inputs for the exclusion tool are now remembered between sessions.
- SP6-1795: SHOTPlus™ will now check installed version of .Net and warn users where required version is not installed1.
- SP6-1818: Default page margins for new print functionality now set to 2.0 mm.
- SP6-1825: SHOTPlus™ will now notify users when exporting a loading design or loading rules when the Loading Factor does not equal 1.002.
- SP6-1835: SHOTPlus™ will no longer send 'Depth to water' to BlastIQ™ when 'actuals' have been cleared internally.
- SP6-1838: When importing IREDES MWD data custom channels with values of 0 and 1 are now recognised as valid data.
- SP6-1850: Leading label changed to BID when using WebGen™ 200 EBS.
- SP6-1852: All 24 hole types are now available as data sources when creating custom reports.
- Following SHOTPlus™ version 6.12.1. SHOTPlus™ will not be able to be installed on machines running Windows Operating Systems older than Windows 10. This change will not affect existing installations.
- Loading factors not equal to 1.00 are not supported by the BlastIQ™ system.
- SHOTPlus Exclusion Zone Tool User Interface Updated:
- SP6-913: Text layers causing holes to be rendered unloaded.
- SP6-1779: Print frame indicator was resizing after printing completed.
- SP6-1780: AusQC&NZ Blast Loading sheet was not correctly calculating powder factor.
- SP6-1788: SHOTPlus™ becoming unresponsive when using 'swipe mode' to add surface initiators.
- SP6-1789: Print frame indicator resize not working correctly.
- SP6-1814: Opening or saving a file with Print Functionality open was causing an unhandled exception.
- SP6-1820: IREDES Quality Report imports were resulting in inaccurate loading tracks for blastholes.
- SP6-1822: WebGen™ Primers not assigned a GID were incorrectly shown as having a initiation time of -1 ms.
- SP6-1836: Design length of blastholes was incorrectly being updated based on the drilled angle and bearing.
- SP6-1839: Blastholes primed with WebGen™ 100 and 200 primers were incorrectly being listed as misfires.
- SP6-1849: Copying user defined delay objects between two SHOTPlus™ files was causing an unhandled exception error.
Released 12thApril 2022
- SP6-1862: Circle objects were not being shown on the main scene explorer when objects were not filled.
Released 18thMarch 2022
- SP6-1785: Added support for import of IREDES Quality files. Imports:
- Drilled Collar Coordinates.
- Drilled Toe Coordinates.
- SP6-1782: IREDES MWD Import mapped to Sandvik MWD Files.
- SP6-1785: Added support for import of IREDES Quality files. Imports:
- SP6-1476: SHOTPlus™ Exclusion Zone Tool calculations now take measured charge weights into account where selected and present.
- SP6-1684: Improved the logic when closing a blast and choosing not to save.
- SP6-1698: Profile tool workbox views improved:
- Step down hole for burden measurement now adjustable.
- Charge track can now be shown for the hole diagram.
- View options are now independent of the blasthole view selected.
- SP6-1770: Improved printing from within Analytics View to more accurately reflect the information displayed.
- SP6-1772: SHOTPlus™ Blast Markout (First Location) Report improved to show full hole coordinates on page two of the report.
- SP6-1775: Elevation heatmap now obeys layer transparency properties.
- SP6-1766: Hole Type was not being updated when specified via the SHOTPlus™ text importer.
- SP6-1774: WebGen™ Encoding path tool was visible when WebGen™ was not the selected Electronic Blasting System.
Released 29thFebruary 2022
- SP6-1790: When creating an STR template in SHOTPlus™ clearing column header behaviour was not working as expected.
- SP6-1794: When editing a group of holes, changing design information was resetting the water column value.
Released 17thFebruary 2022
- SP6-1786: Adjusting certain design properties was setting the wet state for holes, locking the design of these holes. This wet state could not be cleared when holes were selected as a group.
Released 16thFebruary 2022
- SP6-1554: Not Drilled and Abandoned hole counts added to the Quantities Calculation.
- SP6-1731: WebGen™ DRX and Detonator IDs are now searchable in SHOTPlus™ when imported from an LGF file.
- SP6-1628: Placeholder for blank values on 'Actual' hole diagrams updated from "?" to "- - m".
- SP6-1635: Single diameters can now be specified for Graphical Charging Rules.
- SP6-1653: When moving holes between BlastIQ™ plans, holes can be moved to a new plan.
- SP6-1677: Front Row View updated to Row View.
- Row View now shows spacing distances between all rows in a blast.
- Row View highlights spacing distances below the minimum (red) or above the maximum (blue) threshold specified in Design data, or as defined by the user in the Row View dialog.
- Row View can be set to show the spacing between holes in a row at defined distances.
- SP6-1718: Hole Measurement Tool can now be set to default to 'Design' or 'Actual'.
- SP6-1748: STR files without explicit string number can now be imported into SHOTPlus™.
- SP6-1761: When importing using the 'Beta Resection' option in the Laser Wizard, the added Face Station object can now be used to view resection data and generate a Resection Report.
- SP6-1764: Face Burden heatmap now obeys a layers transparency properties.
- SP6-1765: Holes with measurements are now prevented from being moved using the Profile Tool and Markout Tool.
- SP6-1633: 'Wet Hole Unknown Amount' was not able to be edited for a selection of multiple holes.
- SP6-1691: Surface tie objects were not visible when viewed with an elevation heatmap surface.
- SP6-1751: Certain tools missing from SHOTPlus™ toolbar when launching a SHOTPlus™ 6 file from an existing SHOTPlus™ instance in Read Only mode.
- SP6-1762: Drilling Method label was hidden in the Edit Hole dialog.
- SP6-1763: Unusable dialogs were visible in SHOTPlus™ Standard.
- SP6-1767: Arrow heads were not being scaled correctly for legacy printing.
- SP6-1773: The 'Flags' section of the visibility manager was always expanded when opening SHOTPlus™
Released 7thFebruary 2022
- SP6-1681: Registered face surfaces can now be viewed as a burden heatmap1.
- SP6-1682: Resection report available when importing survey data via the Laser Wizard2.
- SP6-1760: Improved resection calculation (Resection (beta)) added when importing via the Laser Wizard.
- Turned on via Edit Surface dialog box. Surface needs to be the registered face surface, and must be set to 'Rendered' display mode.
- Report accessed from the 'Locate Instrument' dialog when using the Laser Wizard. Location of instrument must have been completed prior to running the report. Report will no longer be available once the Laser Wizard is closed. Future iterations will make this report available after import.
- SP6-907: Profile Tool Workbox - 'Table View' now shows all burden values.
- SP6-1639: Not Drilled and Abandoned icons are now show in Analytics View1.
- SP6-1660: Variable decks can now be specified for holes with Manually Edited Loading2.
- SP6-1666: Users are now warned when adjusting an EBS Timing Lines that influences holes that have previously been manually timed.
- SP6-1710: Improved zoom all functionality when viewing data in sections.
- SP6-1729: The reported vibration waveform for SHOTPlus™ vibration predictions is now selected based on an ongoing sample of waveforms closest to the predicted mean3.
- SP6-1752: BlastIQ™ log in options improved:
- Wording updated to clarify options.
- Download for WebView2 added.
- Warning message updated when attempting to use a version of WebView not present on the machine.
- SP6-1754: Display size of surface tie objects increased when printing.
- SP6-1755: Display size of Hole Flags increased when printing.
- SP6-1757: 'Print (beta)' functionality renamed 'Print (new).
- SP6-1759: Added F05 Drilling Report.
- Not Drilled or Abandoned holes can be displayed based on the specific view property by selected 'Show Not Drilled/Abandoned holes' from the top Analytics View toolbar.
- Variable decks cannot be specified where the hole was originally loaded with a rule based on strata positions.
- Previously SHOTPlus™ reported the first predicted vibration waveform regardless of the peak.
- SP6-1669: Design hole tracks for blastholes were not being adjusted when using the Profile, Pack Rows, or Blast Optimiser tools.
- SP6-1749: Hole flags were not displaying correctly.
- SP6-1756: Unhandled error occuring when exporting plans to BlastIQ™ under certain circumstances.
- SP6-1758: Manually edited holes were having loading rules reapplied when importing from BlastIQ™ under certain circumstances.
Released 31stJanuary 2022
- SP6-1708: Update BlastIQ™ login methods.
Released 25thJanuary 2022
- SP6-1679: New Markout Report (SHOTPlus™ Blast Markout (first location)) based on first position vs. updated design position where holes have been spotted-in on-bench 1.
- This report will undergo further development before being released to production.
- SP6-1724: Updated BlastIQ™ Drill Actual contracts
- SP6-1714: Hole deviation track was appearing as a dashed line and was not printing.
- SP6-1719: Layer Manager filter causing unhandled exception. This filter was not supposed to be accessible to users and has been removed.
- SP6-1732: 'Reset to Default' settings in Fragmentation Prediction Tool Results Map not functioning correctly.
- SP6-1733: Exporting Hole Curve where no holes selected resulting in Unhandled error.
- SP6-1740: Blast Fragmentation Report title incorrect.
- SP6-1745: Dry state being set incorrectly in certain circumstances.
- SP6-1746: When printing with standard print functionality, surface ties were appearing too small to make out on small blasts.
Released 20thJanuary 2022
- SP6-1590: Improved Print Functionality1.
- SP6-1576: Ability to adjust the print area from the main scene explorer.
- SP6-1583: Title box is resized automatically based on existing text.
- SP6-1584: Ability to add a North Arrow to the print output.
- SP6-1585: Print dialog settings are now maintained when printing multiple different views.
- SP6-1586: Ability to toggle between landscape and portrait printing.
- SP6-1588: Added print elements to the print area indicator on the main scene explorer.
- SP6-1590: Ability to toggle logos on or off.
- SP6-1603: Added the ability to export fragmentation curves for all holes from the Fragmentation Prediction tool.
- SP6-1623: Results from Fragmentation Prediction tool made available for reporting.
- Hole level percentage passing.
- Blast level percentage passing.
- Hole level size passing.
- Blast level size passing.
- SP6-1624: New flag types added to Visibility Manager:
- Hole Type.
- Material Type.
- Electronic Blasting System Exceptions.
- SP6-1672: Fragmentation Prediction graphing tool can now be set to snap to X Axis or Y Axis values.
- SP6-1683: Ability to fix the minimum and maximum colours range in the Fragmentation Prediction Tool results map.
- SP6-1694: Reinstated Volume Wizard Tool.
- Improved print functionality is available by selecting 'Print (beta)' when printing a plan in SHOTPlus™.
- SP6-1590: Improved Print Functionality1.
- SP6-1012: Increased number of available Hole Types to 24.
- SP6-1616: SHOTPlus™ 5 file Read Only functionality improved. The following functions can now be performed when opening a SHOTPlus™ 5 file in SHOTPlus™ 6:
- View existing loading rules.
- Export existing loading rules.
- View Edit Hole dialog.
- Export text files.
- Load and save text export templates.
- Export DXFs.
- View the Hole Table.
- Open Monitoring Points to see Vibration and/or Overpressure properties.
- Export seed waves from Monitoring Point dialog.
- Use measurement and dimension tools.
- SP6-1622: Advanced Vibration Modelling (AVM™) submissions or Monte Carlo vibration predictions can now include dummy holes, 'Abandoned' holes, and 'Not Drilled' holes.
- SP6-1636: Summary Block shortcut button now available for custom toolbars.
- SP6-1644: Constant Radius Exclusion Zone option available to SHOTPlus™ Standard users.
- SP6-1651: SHOTPlus™ now reports on diameter range validation issues when exporting to BlastIQ™
- SP6-1658: Increased number of available Material Types to 24.
- SP6-1659: BlastIQ™ loading rules are now disabled for holes where strata definition has been used to define deck positions in SHOTPlus™.
- SP6-1662: Initiator table added to the Edit Hole Loading dialog accessed when using the profile tool.
- SP6-1663: Improved automatic re-application of rules when importing from BlastIQ™1.
- SP6-1668: SHOTPlus™ now reports on Initiation Rule length range validation issues when exporting to BlastIQ™
- SP6-1671: Dimension tool added to Cross Section dialog.
- SP6-1686: Added additional default reports:
- Blast Event Checklist.
- Blast Loading Sheets.
- Blast Markout Calculations.
- Blast Risk Notification.
- Blast Summary Report.
- Drillers Log.
- Day of Blast Evaluation.
- Hole Depth Report.
- Job Pack Cover Label.
- Shotfirers Tool Box Talk and Traffic Management Plan.
- Survey Setout and Quantities Report.
- Backfill Requirement Summary.
- Dip Chart.
- Drillers Scorecard.
- Strata Charging Report.
- Volume Data.
- SP6-1697: Exclusion Zone Tool icon updated.
- SP6-1704: Colour indicators in the Fragmentation Prediction Tool Results Map can now be viewed as zone of influence.
- SP6-1709: Optimised images for reports to reduce file size.
- The following behaviour has been implemented:
- Holes that are exported to BlastIQ™ as Manually Edited holes will no longer have rules automatically applied when importing from BlastIQ™.
- Users are given the option to re-apply, or not re-apply, holes that were exported to BlastIQ™, loaded with loading rules unsupported by BlastIQ™
- New holes, added in BlastIQ™, will be treated as Manually Edited.
- The following behaviour has been implemented:
- SP6-1311: Tie in legend was not scaling correctly.
- SP6-1383: Connectaline™ was incorrectly labelled as 'LIL' in the tie-in pallette.
- SP6-1631: Transform coordinate function not transforming certain hole objects.
- SP6-1634: Hole diagram in table view was not showing the outline of wet holes.
- SP6-1652: 'Actual' hole diagrams not being shown in Hole History.
- SP6-1661: Blast bound polygons were not being generated correctly when radius was less than half the blast burden.
- SP6-1673: Fragmentation Calculator generate inaccurate calculations in certain circumstances.
- SP6-1674: Delay information for Handidet™ type detonators incorrect when exporting surface initiation designs to BlastIQ™.
- SP6-1675: Lines added via section view were incorrectly position in certain circumstances.
- SP6-1701: Row identifier not importing from Logger II .lgf files.
- SP6-1702: Blank row included at the top of text files generated by the SHOTPlus™ Text Exporter.
- SP6-1706: Water column in the edit hole dialog displaying an incorrect value under certain circumstances.
- SP6-1722: DXF exporter was not exporting text entities correctly.
- SP6-1730: Importing Surpac DTMs was causing and 'Index out of range' error in certain circumstances.