Single Blast - Quantities Dashboard

This dashboard aims to provide a view of the consumption of explosives, blasted volume and powder factor, as well as any recorded blast Tags and KPIs.

Dashboard Components


  1. Select a Blast - Choose a Blast from the drop down list. Users can type in to search the desired blast.
  2. Take a Snapshot - Generate a summary Blast report for the selected Blast. Refer to Saved Reports to learn more about this feature.
  3. System of Measurement - Choose to display value on Metric or Imperial units.
  4. Blast Plan View - displays the blast-hole Powder Factor (kg/m3). To learn more, click here.
    • Design hole - Powder Factor calculated using the Design lengths and hole location, and the design explosive weight.
    • Actual hole - Powder Factor calculated using the Actual lengths and hole location and the actual explosive weight. Actual Collar XY coordinates are required.
  1. Summary Tables
    Design and Actuals for:
    • Blast totals for each product.
    • Blast Volume 
    • Blast Powder Factor
    • Blast Tags Categories and Tags. To learn more, click here.
    • Blast KPIs. To learn more, click here.
  1. Deck Table
    • Displaying a deck per row with the details of bulk, air, and stemming type products designed and actuals used.
    • Display hole level volume and powder factor (design and actual) on row of deck number 1 of each hole.

Calculation Logic

Hole Volume

Calculated based on a modified Voronoi Tessellation algorithm at collar and grade of each hole.

Information: This is the same calculation methodology used in SHOTPlus™ Volume Overview (when not calculating volume based on design burden and spacing, and not including sub-drill). Modifying the settings in SHOTPlus™ Volume Overview does not affect the calculation in this BlastIQ™ Insights dashboard.

Blast Volume

Addition of all hole volume values.

Powder Factor

Considers only Bulk explosive weight to be divided by the corresponding volume, hole or blast.


Note: Actual Hole Volume, Blast Volume and Powder Factor calculations require Actual XY Collar coordinates values.

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