BlastIQ™ Mobile Lite - User Guide


Release Date:
29th November 2022


This article describes how to add a plan, sync data, perform dipping and loading.


Follow the steps on how to add and remove a plan.

  1. Tap the "Settings" icon.
  2. Select a "Site".


  3. From the plans page, tap the "Add" button.


  4. From the add plans to the device, select a plan from the list.
  5. Tap the back arrow.


  6. Newly added plan shown.


  7. To remove a plan, swipe left and tap the trash icon.


Sync Data

It is important to sync BlastIQ™ Mobile Lite before and after adding the plan to ensure all data is available.

  1. Tap on the "Sync" icon.

  2. Tap on the "Sync" button

  3. Wait for the sync to finish and for the "Success" status to appear in the Sync Progress box.

  4. If connectivity fails, an error message appears: "A network error occurred."


BlastIQ™ Mobile Lite provides various views to help you manage your work effectively. It displays holes on your device in the order you walk them on the bench. Choose the most convenient view for you while working on a specific shot.

Hole List View Map View Entering Dipping Information

The Hole List View lists hole IDS in alphanumeric order, making it ideal for working on holes sequentially (e.g., A1, A2, and A3). It displays data entry fields in a straightforward list format.

  1. Open a plan.


  2. Hole list view opens.
  3. Use the search holes field to search a hole.


  4. Swipe up and down to view the list.



After dipping, it’s important to add accurate loading actuals for the initiation and blast review processes.

Entering a weight Editing decks Stemming a hole
  1. Tap the "+" button after adding a hole measurement.


  2. Deck 1 page appears with suggested values.
  3. Tap the Weight field and use the keypad to enter the actual weight.


  4. Tap the horizon arrow to confirm the suggested value, or tap the horizon field and enter the actual horizon using the keypad.
  5. Tap "Save" or the keypad forward arrow when done.


  6. The deck with the entered values will be displayed on the hole loading page.


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