SHOTPlus™ Beta Release Notes 6.19.2





February, 2024

Version 6.19.2 of SHOTPlus™ Beta, first offered to users on Monday 19th February 2024. A notification will appear on start-up in SHOTPlus™ once the update is available.
For further information on updating the SHOTPlus™, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via


  1. Users are now able to import georeferenced JPG files.
  2. Users are now able to filter profile traces in the Hole table and Profile logging tool1.
  3. Total number of connected primers now displays on BID label for WebGen™ products.
  4. Arrows in the "First movement" visualisations are now colour coded based on their bearing.


    1. A "Filter profile data" checkbox has been added to the Hole table and Profile logging tool which enables users to filter for outliers in their datasets. When the filter is turned on, a median filter is applied which decompresses the x-axis and improves readability of the trace.


  1. Users are now able to export Excel load sheets for selected holes only.
  2. The frequency of "Angle of Initiation" annotations have been adjusted to improve readability on high resolution monitors.
  3. When attempting to transform holes with "actuals" data, a notification message is triggered.
  4. EBS field logging report has been updated for i-kon™ EBS systems.
  5. Improved handling of unsupported BlastIQ™ loading rules.
  6. Improved validation for cBlast file import.
  7. Software libraries have been updated.
  8. Server timeout notification has been improved.
  9. Old printing functionality has been deprecated across some tools.


  1. Pyrotechnic ties displayed at primer location when "Grade point" is unchecked via Visibility Manager.
  2. Text import column headers were not refreshing after "click and drag" interaction.
  3. SHOTPlus™ was incorrectly mapping water measurements on cBlast import.
  4. Hole loading visualisations were not displaying properly.
  5. Holes imported from cBlast were not flagging as "manually edited", triggering the reapplication of loading rules.
  6. The Encoding Path tool now notifies the user if there are invalid sequence paths.
  7. Users were unable to enter loading tolerances that were within the tolerance limit when imperial units were applied.
  8. When using the "add rows to holes" tool, hole bearing was not updating when requested.
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