April, 2023
- Version 2.6.5 of SHOTPlus™ Underground Beta, first offered to users on Thursday 13th April 2023.
- A notification will appear on start-up in SHOTPlus™ Underground Beta once the update is available.
- For further information on updating the SHOTPlus™ Underground, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.
- SHOTPlus™ Underground updated to run .Net 4.8 framework.
- SHOTPlus™ Underground can now be licenced using the BlastIQ™ licencing system. 1, 2
- The option for BlastIQ™ licencing will be presented when opening SHOTPlus™ Underground, where a valid, active SHOTPlus™ licence key is not present. BlastIQ™ licencing requires the allocation of a licence seat via the BlastIQ™ admin portal and valid BlastIQ™ credentials.
- To licence using a BlastIQ™ Licence from within SHOTPlus™ Underground, select 'Help' > 'Request BlastIQ™ Licence' from the main toolbar in SHOTPlus™ Underground.
- When using the EBS time set tool, users can now select the hole track as well as the hole collar. 1
- This setting is activated when using the EBS set tool, using the 'Select hole track' option.
- Recovery files were not being saved at the correct interval.