2.6.3 SHOTPlus™ Underground Beta Release Notes





January, 2023

Version 2.6.3 of SHOTPlus™ Underground Beta, first offered to users on Monday 30th January 2023.
A notification will appear on start-up in SHOTPlus™ Beta once the update is available.
For further information on updating the SHOTPlus™, please contact the BlastIQ™ Support Team via support.blastiq.com.


  1. Drill Direction property added to Ring Objects.1
  2. 'Drill Direction Tool' added to set the Drill Direction for Ring Objects.2
  3. The following fields were added to the Text Importer:
    1. EBS Hole Time.
    2. Primer 1 - Primer 12.
    3. Delay 1 - Delay 12.
    4. Initiator 1 - Initiator 12.
  4. The following fields were added to the Text Exporter:
    1. EBS Hole Time.
    2. Primer 1 Depth - Primer 12 Depth.
    3. Delay 1 - Delay 12.


    1. Drill Direction can be set by opening the Edit Ring dialog and changing the 'Principal Direction' or by using the Drill Direction Tool.
    2. The 'Drill Direction Tool' is located in the toolbar, indicated by the icon below. Using the Drill Direction Tool the drill direction for a ring object can be set by clicking and dragging over a ring object, or ring objects, in the desired drill direction.


  1. The ordering of holes within a ring in '2D view' is now based on the Drill Direction. 


  1. Times exported to WebGen™ encoders did not match the times displayed in SHOTPlus™.
  2. Typing in the Active Layer Box was causing an unhandled exception.
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